Hog is insufferable and without counters

Can’t play Ana who used to be strong against him because she dies to flankers constantly in a 5vs5 world

Can’t discord with Zen because he dies to flankers all day long in a 5vs5 world

sombra badly nerfed so can’t use her as a counter

mei freeze is gone, one of the few tools that was good against him

Nothing counters him now, he just goes around hooking and deleting everyone

this game is hot garbage, 5vs5 made things worse, not better. No wonder absolutely nobody wants to Q for support in this trash game


So, it’s not that Hog doesn’t have counters. You just can’t keep yourself alive for some reason.


No matter what anyone says, a hero that can only be stopped from wrecking a team easily only by one other hero is not healthy design.


i dont agree hes without counters, but he is busted, cheap, and lame. especially for a mercy main.


hooking isnt the problem, its him not dying.


They give him 700 hp health and a ability that give him 350 hp in 8 secs and upon that it has 50% reduced damage. Majority of stuns are gone. Yeah they needs to be a rework for his Breather ability


literally just stay a few metres away from him, he’s now a feed machine


Yeah but he can just walk towards you with the rest of the team behind him. Every match with him devolves into a slogfest (Especially when your own tank goes hog and then both team’s supports switch to ana and kiriko). Its not really fun. He’s not really punished for bad positioning or anything. His hook essentially gets him one free pick while he has a get out of jail free card so he can do risky plays like braindead charging to get a pick and not die.

I don’t think he’s broken as the forum’s make him sound but he does have a problem right now.


just saying, bait his hook, couple of headshots and his dead


Kiriko enables Hog. That’s why he’s running wild right now.

I believe a mild nerf to his breather should be enough.


Hog has counters and you are complaining about characters that counter him that can be countered back by other characters. It is a team game after all. You can’t do everything.

then press the s key, he’s a tank, his job is to create space and he does it through his hook’s kill zone, which his team then rolls into to mop up any remaining resistance, same way reindhart works except you have a hook instead of a shield

if he positions bad, he’s hopped and due to having no movement abilities, wiped out, his e key only helps him if his team is willing to back him up at which point that’s just better teamplay, as said, like any other tank, he creates space via his hook- it’s just unlike a shield, it takes some degree of aim and timing to pull off

the “problem” with hog actually has nothing to do with hog at all, rather, it’s two separate issues- kiriko being busted, a fact that will remain true so long as she’s still the shiny new shimada hero that blizzard can use to suck money out of people through fomo-pass as well as the fact that supports flatly refuse to accept their role has strict limitations- you aren’t a frontliner dps, you aren’t an unkillable tank, you are the backliner player that makes both these things possible, if you want to frolic through hog’s personal sand deathstrip then you should queue for a role that has that in their job description

He should swap the weapons with Junker Queen :grin:

Rein range is so much lower compared to hog’s.

Yes I am aware that the problem doesn’t lie with hog itself, that’s why I said he wasn’t broken. I just said he has a problem right now. As long as the 2 supports pump him full of healing and cleanse him every now and then, he can pretty much ignore any thinking and go for picks. If his health is low, he just pops that heal and damage reduction.

If you tried picking off his supports instead, you are placing yourself at hook range risk of getting one shot. So are you just supposed to keep backing out and pressing s until you lose? I understand in a co ordinated team a high amount of burst damage could end hog really easily but in pubs teams rarely ever work together on a single target making him a prime choice. The risk to reward ratio for playing against hog is so stacked against you. It requires much less co ordination to play as him compared to playing against him.

He’s not broken and you can actually win against him, it just requires a lot more work from your team to kill him compared to how much work it takes to keep him alive. Which is why I think he needs a change. These are just my opinions from low rank tbh. I understand your points and agree about his mobility being crap. But I will not change my stance that he needs change. We’re just going to have to agree to disagree.

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Less CC and less teamwork allows Hog to go hog wild. Though if you don’t let Hog dictate the fight, it’s easier to beat him. I kinda wish his breather created a mist around him that healed his team if they’re close to him in addition to healing himself.

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or they nerf kiriko which is the problem.

why nerf a hero because of someone else?

He has counters. Just the DPS wont swap to them most of the time.


They should really change this aspect of him. Doing a hook + 1shot is only good for 1 thing… serving a Hog players ego.

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Zarya is very good counter against Hog but for some reason nobody plays her anymore now she got slightly nerfed.

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What I don’t understand is why the hell he needs 700hp they should either reduce his hp to around 650 or get rid or reduce that stupid Dr he gets when he heals as it stands now he can just stroll into the enemy team with effectively 1400hp and delete a squishy not to mention any healing he gets from his supports

I personally laugh in a hogs face when I’m playing Dva or Orisa but it is very unfun for supports