Well, the big boy achieved something. No he didn’t win a game. He is bottom tank by win-rate in every rank from bronze to GM in QP. What an achievement!
He’s bottom 3 in most ranks in comp. Why the difference? I assume because in comp your supports want to win so they are more likely to switch kiri to save him from Ana every single game. But in QP, Ana in every single game against Hog means he is complete trash.
Did perks help? Well, Ana got the strongest perks of all heroes, and Hog got 2 perks that nobody will ever choose and 2 perks which don’t do anything much about Ana and her hold over his ability to do anything. So, no, perks didn’t help, and actually made things much worse with Ana now being stronger.
So thanks Blizz from all the Hog players for your continued trashing of our hero.
The sad thing is you get people wanting DVa stronger against beams, and other tank buffs, when Hog is complete trash and has been since the S9 armour changes.
Even if he is disliked, there are other tanks much more unfun to play against because they don’t have nearly as many counters as hog, who has the most counters of any tank.
The sad thing is that Hog players just want a season of him being middle of the pack - not even good.
We have players demanding DVa resistance to beams, doom buffs, etc. even when those tanks are doing great, then hog players just wanting middle-of-the-pack status for a season or 2.
Hog players know their hero isn’t liked, and even we don’t want hog to be meta. We just want some fun, or even just some games where we are not against Ana. For a hero shooter where you are supposed to get to play against a variety of heroes, having to play against the same oppressive counter every single game is not exactly fun.
And now he has been trash for 5 seasons - this is the 6th.
I know why this is, it’s the same reason they won’t buff Reaper: Mercy’s damage boost.
If you ever get damage boosted with either character, you’ll kill everything under 15m.
Really, the source of problems for all non shield tanks is Ana. That anti heal is just a brainless kill against Hog. That needs a nerf, particularly in radius.
You kind of prove my point here. Asking for buffs to what is one of the best DPS at the moment. I’m talking about a trash-tier hero and people are complaining about their A and S-tier heroes needing buffs!
They refuse to buff reaper because he is very strong and the perks made him stronger. If you don’t believe me then go on youtube and watch some recent ChoiceOW vids and he’s pretty much never dying on reaper unless there is a Widow against him.
Although I guess they had a point there, the devs dont want to risk making hog and mercy the goto by buffing hog…
sounds weird when you point it out when they have no issues risking others becoming meta…unless they know hog is at a point where they cand buff him anymore without also changing other things
so then…they’d have to update things around hogs new power
Hog is only good against less skilled opponents, unfortunately. Players who realize that they can swarm Hog who used his hook and just splatter him are difficult to deal with. But if newbies are hiding from Hog, it’s not bad.
Is he? You don’t mean the pig-pen useless perk buff that nobody chooses? Extra damage on it would help secure kills, but coupled with throwing further makes no sense. With extra damage on it you want it right in front of you to hook targets onto. Not well thought out at all.
I would guess it will still never be chosen over the scrap reload which happens even if the hook breaks. Unless the extra damage they add to it is significant enough to consistently 1-shot combo heroes like reaper, then it might be worth considering.
If his base kit remains the same then he still has all the same weaknesses, especially against Ana (every game), and so any numbers buff to pig-pen won’t make a bit of difference to him being trash tier.
If they don’t want to give him resistance to everything about Ana’s (now turbo boosted) kit, then maybe give him something different. They game Zarya and Sigma vertical mobility. Give the same to hog. Make it so if you hit E again within 1.5s of trap being put down then it launches hog in the air like a concussion mine, but not as high - the equivalent to a zarya right-click hop with her perk.
D.Va is third-worst Tank in GM where Hog is worst. Like she’s doing better than Roadhog, sure but I think it’s a bit of a stretch to say that she’s ‘doing great’. She’s easily the worst Dive Tank - if you want to dive, literally any other option is better.
DVa, according to OB (which we can argue about with no winner) is the top tank overall in comp by pick-rate by a large margin. She isn’t so hot on win-rate. A bit like Ana. This implies she is more viable than the win-rate would suggest (nobody is saying Ana is not viable even with her supposed negative win-rate).
At least she is playable enough to be the top picked tank. Hog is bottom pick and bottom win-rate.