Hitscans need nerfs

His WR sucks
Second lowest Just above SOmbra
LITERALLY 0 reason to nerf him
Only reason you need to keep him around if for his peel
Flashbang to stop a Doomfeet or a Reaper

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Hitscans need nerfs

Chose one. Also no, hitscans are completely ok.

What new mouse setting? O__o


Here ya go

The mouse setting that doesnt favor Reinghardt, Winston, Mercy, dunno. Junkrat? But very favors Widowmaker.

That is not an answer, like at all. Please again, what setting exactly? I want to try it, you know.

This setting: New Feature – High Precision Mouse Input (Gameplay Option)

See above.

Thanks. Sorry for not noticing right away.

Well, it’s a cool feature, but it is unlikely to impact hitscan heroes that much. At least unless we’re talking about highest tier aiming. Have you ever tried going from standart office mouse to a 1000Hz one with the same sensitivity and DPI set? It is veeery hard to notice.

If that setting proves to be impactful, all they have to do is to adjust hitboxes a little bit, maybe make them a bit less generous. That’s it.

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That’s not a problem with McCree, that’s a problem with snipers.

Well, I mean the gm/t500 players.
Increase in aim is very obvious.

Today I even died to 360 degree widow shot :sob: Some clever guy was testing the setting and managed to kill me with it :sob:

I think we should wait and see how much this new option actually does, Any short term impact just might be placebo.


Disagree on the overall hitscans being overpowered but i will compromise on a few things

Widowmaker should only be able to deal 200 damage at full charge without her ult but with her Ult on she could be at her current damage and be allowed to “Pop off”

Hanzo does take more practice then other character and the 5 arrows on his storm arrow balanced him out pretty good i think (and made his achievement harder to get >_<)

Doomfist is cancer i approve any nerfs to him, sigma needs ammo

To add, FTH is never used by pros, and they also use his ult as a quick reload.

He’s also had the second lowest pickrate in the OWL.

For no reason??? Uh, maybe because he sucked???

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Yeah playing mccree was an awful experience before. Now at least when something attacks you and you dont have flashbang you have “fighting” chance

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It helps everyone just as much but sure.

High Precision mouse input

I’m not sure I feel a difference with it on.

It is under the Gameplay tab.

I haven’t tried it and i still don’t understand what it does.

You are over-exaggerating. Seriously, the difference is not that big as you think. It is a clear improvement, but it may be within statistical error.

Basically, it’s how often your looking direction is updated when you move your mouse. 1000 times per second with a proper mouse, vs framerate bound before. Sounds huge, hard to notice in reality. Also, it only applies to times when you press and release button, according to them, So only your first shot in a auto-fire, or every shot if you are Widow, McCree, other semi-auto or bolt-action weapon user.

It updates faster but how is that supposed to help with no noticable effect?