Can you please help me in that thread… =.= i’m having trouble explaining some things.
Sure but im bout to lose wifi again. No internet in 5…4…
ball and sombras weapon are pretty similar.
Dva and her hitsCans are a joke.
Gimme a real hitscan tank not a marshmallow shooter.
How about… Bastion?
Would that make you happy? :3
It is so simple that I cannot believe we do not already have 2 of them. I think these chumps legit thought Hammond would appeal to us or something. Crazy.
Game could use a Rail Gun tank for sure
Well, if people already consider Baptiste broken, any tank or support hitscan with good damage output will be considered broken, unless limited somehow (like Wrecking Ball is) or if the player has to choose between tanking / healing or damaging (like Baptiste almost does).
Okay… But who cares? Some idiots believe McCree is broken. That never changed anything. We can have our “broken” tank that people will actually want to play. That solves the problem we set out to solve. Nobody is trying to stop whiny Overwatch players. We are trying to get players to actually want to tank.
Could work. Tanks are about controlling space though, so they’d need at least a few short range abilities to help deal with that.
Hog (primary), Zarya, DVA, Ball
idk man half the tank roster seems about enough
Well, I guess it could exist if it had a slow fire rate (like old Mccree’s fire rate), mid range at max, and maybe with damage over short time effect (like Ana’s shots) with no headshots.
Sigma is about the only thing I tank for, what do you mean? He’s basically a DPS and I love playing him.
At this point, I would take it… But I think headshots are important. I would rather a different trade off to keep their output low.
Hammond is a hitscan tank…
I’ve honestly wondered how much Orisa would actually be played and enjoyed if she did less damage but was hitscan.
I’d probably be okay with it as long as it wasn’t another tank with a deployable barrier.
Like if you gave Reinhardt a gun. I’d like that. But I don’t think we need another deployable shield long range tank.
Paladins has a hitscan tank, Atlas. He has a charged shot that has a spread that is reduced to basically a snipeshot the longer it charges up. he might have been broken when he was first added to the game, (idk, I don’t play Paladins as much as overwatch,) but as far as I know, right now he’s just considered a good pick, not broken. it can be done.
the fundamental aspects of a tank are: offensive or defensive utility (creating space for your team, and/or protecting them). being able to stay alive helps as well, but creating space in offensive situations, and standing ground in defensive situations are the most important things, as you can help your team win capture a point even if you die in the process.
there are soooo many ways this can be explored beyond being a beefy bullet sponge or a shield. but some people are so un-creative they think a “real tank” needs to rely on a barrier, or be a slow fat hunk of hp.
now, im not knocking on tanks, (if youre of the minority that find tanking fun, bless your heart,) but we can all very clearly see that most people don’t want to tank, so something must be done about it if we’re going to keep role que.
the solution, imo, is to experiment with tanks that appeal to dps AND i’d argue supports. zarya is very popular, and she is a support tank, so clearly people like that playstyle.
the ranged tank weapons are all cartoony futuristic “guns” that don’t feel like any real life counterpart. no, not even roadhogs “shotgun” that shoots out springs and nails. i guarantee that if they made a tank with a normal gun like a rifle, they would absolutely win over some dps players. having a tank with a normal weapon in no way goes against the fundamentals of tanking.
That’s called Mauga sir.
Btw to the post writer: YES PLS. I only switched to be a support main cuz of Ana existed, then Baptiste came like a sweet dream and now we need another hit-scan weapon based tank, similar to Hammond so i can finally play someone else other than Hammond on tanks.
And what do you know, I play Atlas, I will literally tank and love doing it in Paladins.
But here, in Overwatch? I will keep waiting. Biding my time.