Hint us Hero 29 plz

Plus Geoff Litereally said that shed be the next hero.

It’s going to be the Junker Queen who, prior to becoming queen used to be a fighter in Junkertown and used to use a mech. So probably tank. Though, I am hoping she’s a support.

Junkerqueen please Blizzard do it soon!


If they didn’t care they wouldn’t ask.


Where’s the link for the whole class to see?


I would prefer any of these heroes over the Junker Queen.


They never asked…? Or did I miss something?

Even if it’s the Junker Queen I highly doubt she’ll be piloting a mech since we already have two mech piloting heroes in the game. An exoskeleton or something, maybe. Anyway, my prediction is that the new hero will be a dps since we haven’t had one in a while, be it the Junker queen or someone totally new.


On some event a month or two ago (Comiccon?) Geoff asked fans if she should be a tank or dps. Most voted tank.

We just got Hero 28, patience :stuck_out_tongue:

Default guess Queen with a Giant Chainsaw

But I am pretty sure that’s about to change

Junker Queen with large bust please! (Just becuase of the posters not that Im a creep)

Sorry Ma’am my dog at it

Im in the mood for a pure DPS to be honest

Its Jetpack cat. She will be a support :slight_smile:

main tank or pure healer would better imo as we already have plenty of dps options atm.

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wait wait wait wait wait…

they have a list of heroes they want to put in the game, but they’re going to put in another fan-demanded character that they don’t even know what role she’s going to fill??

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Works for me

Although jokes aside this is slightly different to Doofmist case. He was confirmed to never becoming a hero and had no plans to be, but was added on fan demand.
Jq, based of pictures alone probably already had a basic concept hidden in that list. Since she was never confirmed or denied

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Following the pattern, yes

It goes

We got Ana Sombra Orisa DF
Then Moira Brig Hammond the next should be a human male. Bets on Sanjay