High Impact Bastion Bug Ruining Gameplay since 2015

This bug has been ignored by Blizzard for 2 years in the Bug Report section, so I’m gonna keep posting it here until Blizzard takes the 15 minutes needed to fix the following bug.

When using Bastion’s Tank Mode, the shot delay rolls over into usage of your next ultimate. Causing a significant portion of your uses to be 7 shots instead of 8, as well as making you wait up to 1 second to start firing, which gives the enemy just enough time to escape, if not throw off the rhythm of your aim by making you unsure when you’ll actually fire your first shot.

It’s been 2 years of constant complaints about this bug from Bastion players everywhere, and it’s still being ignored despite being an incredibly easy fix for the programmers. So what I’m going to do is post about this bug report every day until you take the 15 minutes needed to fix it.

Please show your support by bumping, awareness needs to be raised on this issue for the sake of the off-meta players that get ignored.


be careful of actually getting in trouble for spamming but the bug has been in the game for far too long. It shouldn’t be that hard to fix. That’s probably easy for someone like me who doesn’t program to say but they have fixed rather minor things before, basically in every PTR patch.


If they get me in trouble for it, then that means they noticed. I’ll take a ban to fix the hero for everyone, happily.

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Do you have any videos of this happening in matches or any testing you’ve done personally? Providing a video would certainly help to spread awareness of this bug both for Bastion mains and non-Bastion mains alike.
I’d recently started playing Bastion more often, but I was completely unaware that this could happen, so thanks for letting me know. For now I’ll try testing this out for myself and see if it can be replicated.

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This is from my megathread on Bastion’s current situation and it has a few videos covering just what the bug is and how it’s caused. You can check out the megathread too if you’d like.

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Ok, for some reason the post above was directed at myself and not dreadburnz :stuck_out_tongue: I’m making this post just so it notifies him instead of me.

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Thanks for the link to the thread, I’ll check it out right now.


Bumping threads is a bannable offense.

you know i always did feel like there was something off abt bastions ult but i could never understand how to properly explain it, this is exactly it


The cause of the bug is due to the shot delay. The shot delay will roll over into your next use of the ultimate, so if your final shot happens right before you transform back, the shot delay will stay and apply to the next use of Tank mode.