Hey Reinhardt advocates, what should the solution be?

Give him a Hammer Boomerang!

I like it if the Orisa leaves me alone. But most people act like they do it to synergize with me and it is like, no, play what you are good at.

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Honestly right now my opinion would be “Please don’t play Hog”.

The problem is Hog doesn’t synergize with anything. Orisa must be played with another barrier. Sigma at least needs a Dva or Zarya to shore him up, and Reinhardt is better with either Zarya or Dva. Hog Ball is probably the best, but it’s not good.

When you pick hog, you rule out the best comp (Rein/Zarya), the second best (Rein/Dva), the third best (Orisa/Sigma), and the fourth best (Winston/Dva).

That is true, my win condition is usually just… let’s be better than they are. If my team was worse, rest in peace but I’m different.

These days, though, most of your contribution on tank is simply picking Rein Zarya and sleepwalking through the map…

Hardest part for me was coordinating halt and hooks, I generally had to play Hogrisa into Rein Zarya is just ask the HOg to help with shield break, and get whatever picks you can.

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If those toxic players are not careful what they say, I will go Zarya for them and see how they like it. It will not be pretty, though. These people that just think any tank is easy to play has never met an individual quite like myself. I lack so much tank related game sense it is pathetic and my rank is boosted as hell because I am an amazing hitscan player. I freaking suck at everything else I have ever tried.

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Heh… I feel the same way about me playing Reinhardt.

The fact that I kind of have contempt for the hero and hate having to play him pretty much means I’ll always suck at him. Even if not, I find him incredibly boring, and trying to make him fun makes me tend to be over-aggressive.


Exactly, the only way to have fun with Rein is to go for flanks, yolo charges, 360 shatters, bully that one McCree with fire strike spam. The works. Playing him competently is literal torture.

Yeah. I kinda hate the current dilemma; play Reinhardt and win and be miserable or try to have fun on some other tank and get stomped by the other team.

I often try to make Orisa or Sigma or whatever work and it’s almost fun but then they win because Rein is better. And that makes me really angry.

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Beefier shields. Orisa, Sigma and Winston all need beefier shields to compete with Rein. They nerfed the shields and Rein miraculously took first place.

U really believe Winston, Dva and Hammond are all in a good spot currently?

Lol I must be the only one that can easily destroy Rein as Orisa.

She is waaaaay more powerful then him. It’s a death sentence for Rein to approach a competent Orisa.

And Rein is in no way a must pick.

But to answer the question.

Orisa shield cooldown reduced

Sigma shield redeploy delay removed

Winston either increased damage, range, ammo or all 3.

Zarya is fine.

Ball is fine.

Hog is fine.

The sole reason Orisa+Hog can be run in any situation currently is if they pull off the halt+hook combo consistenly, otherwise that comp is so bad that both of them actually are throwing unless they’re playing against an equally bad comp, like D.va+Zarya.
Outside of this meta, I never really cared much to combo with Hog as it was more reliable to just halt a DPS or support into the ground and kill them while their movement was impaired.

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Unnerf Orisas damage or give her faster projectile speed, and buff her shield a little bit, 750 is enough.

For Sigma, i think he needs his barrier cooldown to be removed again, he feels clunky and is much less fun. Also buff the cooldown of grasp or accretion.

Granted I only play QP but wow the entitlement if people are just expecting that as the norm.

You do you as far as I’m concerned with Hogs. If he’s paying attention to my Halt and wants to go for it, great. If not…I assume he’s doing something else useful. Unless he’s flanking the entire match when frontline very obviously needs help. Then he can suck it.

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You didn’t mention D.Va.
Also give me some Orisa tips against Rein please.

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Don’t let him get in melee range if he’s still got shield. It’s probably over regardless, but if he’s got shield it’s definitely over.

So gitgud4head.

Turn Orisa into a bunker tank that can be countered by closing the distance fast enough through dive or speed, meaning bunker comps would be viable in certain maps like they used to.

Fortify down to 25%, shield CD down to 8, 700 HP.

Lol move him to support. Or dps. So that he isn’t ever the go to tank.


Like , I’m on your side. So, I’m not really helpful.

He definitely needs steadfast gone imo. It’s as braindead as valkyrie