This is a list of challenges for players who want to spice up their gameplay. It is a personal minigame to see if players can achieve victory by completing various tasks that limit a hero’s effectivity.
Keep in mind this is not meant to cripple yourself or to force a loss. I by no means encourage throwing as a rational playstyle.
It is a tasklist meant to show how to best manage and control a hero while also showing mastery of an entire kit. Not just spamming a particular ability or trait from one hero.
With that out of the way let’s move on to the challenges.
One mech, One pilot Dva
-You cannot recall your mech once it is destroyed. Dva can only reclaim her mech once she respawns. Win a match without using two mechs on a single life. Loss condition: Using Baby Dva’ ultimate. (To prevent misclick losses, Dva can summon her mech outside of a battle, but must suicide to reset the conditions. Negating any 1 point of damage or dealing 1 point of damage is considered a loss.) “Mechs do not come out of an assembly line.”
Irreplaceable! Orisa
-A rare commodity should be treasured. You now only have one life as Orisa. Win a match as an immortal Orisa. Loss condition: respawning once. “Parts are expensive man and Effie cannot just rebuild another hero out of nowhere.”
Out of Order Reinhardt
-Reinhardt’s shield is completely broken. Win a match without using Reinhardt’s shield. Loss Condition: Preventing at least 1 point of damage. (This is to prevent hiccups during the match such as a misclick. Summoning up your shield and absorbing damage is a loss.) “My shield can’t last forever, you know?”
Out of Stock Roadhog
-Roadhog has no more healing cans left. Win a match without healing via gas cans. Loss condition: Self healing as Roadhog. (To negate misclick losses Roadhog may use his heal at full health. Utilizing it for any 1 point of missing health to heal is a loss.) “How do you carry so mush junk Roadie?!”
Error 404 Winston
-Uh oh! Shield generator is busted again. Win a match without using Winston’s bubble. Loss condition: Using Winston’s shield (To avoid misclick losses, Winston is allowed to use his shield outside of battle. Absorbing 1 point of damge is considered a loss.) “Here we go again, Athena!”
Rolling rolling rolling Hammond
-Hamsters like to roll and Hammond has succumbed to his feral instincts. Win a match moving only in ball form. Loss condition: Moving outside of ballform. (To avoid accidental losses, Hammond is allowed to fire and shoot outside of ballform, but may not be able to move around. Knockbacks and pulls do not count as Hammond’s movement. Moving in any direction to where the mech’s legs clunk on the ground is considered a loss.) “Legs? Who needs em?!”
Proper Technique Zarya
-Zarya is out of practice and needs to learn proper technique again. Win a match building up charge. Under 50% Zarya cannot deal damage, Over 50% Zarya is allowed to fire freely. Grav does not count as damage under 50%. Loss condition: Breaking the above given process. “It’s not about Power or Speed, it’s about proper technique”
That’s not me anymore Bastion
-Bastion no longer wishes to fight. Sentry mode is forbidden. Win a match in recon mode only, ultimates do not count towards loss. Loss condition: Accepting Bastion’s pass life as a sentry gun. Going into sentry mode. (To negate misclick losses bastion is allowed to go sentry outside of a fight. Taking one point of damage in sentry mode or firing off one bullet is considered a loss. Bastion is excused if misclicked during a fight but must transform back inti recon.) “Why do we fight with such beauty around us?”
True Brawler Doomfist
-Doomfist never needed guns before. Why use it now? Win a match without using Doomfist’s gun, his knuckle blaster. Loss condition: Using Doomfist’s gun (To prevent misclick losses, Doomfist is allowed to fire freely outside of a fight. Hitting any enemy and causing any 1 point of damage to shields health or armor is considered a loss. This does not count towards traps, turrents, and sentries.) “Be a man and drop the weapon!”
The Dragon Denies you Genji
-The dragon spirit has left Genji’s side. Win without using Genji’s ultimate. Loss condition: Using Genji’s ultimate (To prevent misclick losses, Genjis can summon their dragonblades but must not use it to deal damage. Dealing any one point of damage is a loss.) “My destiny is not determined by the dragon inside.”
The Dragon Rejects you Hanzo
-The spirit dragon has left Hanzo’s side. Win without using Hanzo’s ultimate. Loss condition using Hanzo’s ultimate. (To prevent misclick losses, Hanzos are allowed to use their ultimates outside of battle. Dealing any one point of damage is considered a loss.) “My path will not be determined by the dragon inside.”
Limited Supply Junkrat
-Junkrat now has limited mines and traps. Win a match without ever using more than 2 mines and 1 trap. Loss condition: Using more than 1 trap and 2 mines. (To prevent misclick losses, trap and mine usage is determined only when 1 point of damage has been dealt. Meaning 1 snapped trap and 2 mines that have dealt damage is Junkrat’s limit. This resets upon respawning giving Junkat 2 more mines and 1 more trap.) “Quit hoarding trash, Rat!”
Magic bullets? Mccree
-How does Mccree reload so quickly during a combatroll? Win a match without reloading your gun via combat roll. Loss condition: Using the magic bullets gained from combat roll. (To prevent misclick losses, Mccree must have a full clip before rolling to avoid auto reload. Any bullets gained through combat rolling must be emptied out by reloading once more. Any bullets gained from combat rolling that is used to deal 1 point of damage is considered a loss.) “Enough with your fancy smancy manuvers, shoot them!”
Not a fighter Mei
-Mei has never been a soldier. Win a match without dealing a lethal blow to opponents via icicles. Loss Condition: Dealing a lethal blow with Mei’ secondary fire mode. Icicles can still be used to disarm traps destroy turrents and to break shields. “I’m a doctor not a fighter. I devote my life to research not murder!”
You are Grounded Pharah
-Aircraft are delicate pieces of machinery. One thing out of place and the vehicle is forbidden to fly. Win a match as Pharah under the condition that any damage to her completely grounds Pharah. This condition is reset upon respawning. (To avoid misclick losses, Pharah is allowed to jetpack momentarily outside of a fight. Once damaged she is not allowed to reach a height higher than any door or wall and must not use it to prevent falls. Doing so is considered a loss.) “Aviation is a serious business. One thing missing, misplaced, or misalign can cause disasters for the pilot!”
Haunting Fate Reaper
-Reaper is a specter, who is unbound by death and seeks vengence upon the living. Win a match following this condition. Reaper must kill any target that has killed him in his past spawns. He cannot choose another target until eliminating the previous killer. Loss Condition: Dealing a lethal blow to anyone else that you are not currently haunting. EX: A Reaper in a new match may kill freely until a player kills the Reaper. Which then the Reaper may only target that player who had dealt a lethal blow to Reaper. Once the target is down Reaper is free to kill anyone else until a new target is designated. Enemies caught in a death blossom do not count as losses, so long as the designated target has died to the death blossom. “You’ll pay for that with your gravestone!”
Jammed Up Soldier76
-Soldier forgot to clean his weapon. This results in a weapons jam. Win a match without using Soldier’s main fire. Loss condition: Dealing damage with Soldier’s primary fire. (This means no rifle firing, rockets are allowed. Solider is free to fire under the effects of his ultimate. Dealing any sort of 1 point of damage with primary fire is considered a loss.) “Even the best weapons can be defective sometimes.”
Fragile Tech Sombra
-Computors aren’t bulletproof. Win a match under this condition, Sombra may only have one transponder. If a enemy locates it and destroys it you can no longer use it for that spawn life. If an enemy forces you out of stealth, you can longer go into stealth. (To prevent misclick losses Sombras are allowed to go into stealth after recieving damage outside of a fight. The Sombra must exit out of stealth immediately, by standing still and firing off her weapons until fully visable again, even if caught under fire. Under no circumstances is Sombra allowed to run away once stealthed until she is fully unveiled.) “People don’t understand how good they got it until its allll gone.”
Architech’s Reality Symmetra
-I don’t believe guns are a tool of this trade. Win a match without using Symmetra’s gun. Loss Condition: Using Symmetra’s gun to deal damage. (To prevent misclick loss, Symmetra can utilize her weapon outside of fights. Dealing 1 point of damage to any enemy is considered a loss. Symmetra can use her gun to disarm traps, turrents and sentries. At no point can she use this gun on shields.) “The real reality is, we are what we are. Not whom we desire or pretend to be.”
A lazy Day Torbjorn
-Torbjorn must have his lazy days right? Win a match without ever having a level two turrent or having repaired a turrent. Loss condition: Hammer use on any turrents lifespan. (To prevent misclick losses, Torbjorns are excused if they hit their turrent while defending it from a foe while weilding their hammer. At no time will a Torbjorn freely use their hammer on a turrent.) “Hard work is hard! Lazy is easy. If Life’s hard than it ain’t easy. So that makes it not lazy.”
Borrowed Time Tracer
-Time is a fickle thing. Win with Tracer under these conditions. Tracer can blink and rewind freely until she has taken 1 point of damage. Once damaged she is prohibited from utilizing her gear until the next respawn. Loss Condition: Breaking time by using rewind or blink after taking damage. (To prevent misclick losses, Tracer is allowed to use her abilities only if the use was unintended. Do not use rewind to prevent damage and blinking in succession is prohibited. Conditions reset after death. Breaking this condition multiple times is considered a loss.) “We all have only so much time, me included. So best make the most of it!”
Broken Scope Widowmaker
-Looks like someone needs a new part. Win a match as Widowmaker without using her scope to deal damage. Loss Condition: Firing a shot in scoped mode. “A spider watches its prey before dealing the coop de grace.”
Nonlethal Dosage Ana
-It’s a strange property for chemicals to shift between poison and then a healing balm. Win a match without dealing damage with Ana’s darts or grenade. Melee damage is allowed and sleep darts are allowed. Loss Condition: If any of Ana’s shots or grenades deal even one point of damage to enemies. “I’m not that deadly of a sniper. It’s the sting that I bring that’s deadly.”
No Touching Lucio
-Lucio has lost his legs. So lets make use of it. Win a match as Lucio without touching the ground. Transport missions do not count towards loss limit. Lucio cannot touch the ground so long as his team is occupying a point and he is on it. He must not touch the ground so long as the point is being captured or defended. Loss Condition: Touching the floor for a capture point boundary. CC effects do not count as a loss. So long as the Lucio stops any and all action to return to the wall. “Watch me move it, shake it, and drop it! Show me what cha got!”
Clipped Angel Mercy
-Who are we kidding? Mercy’s not an angel! She’s a combat medic with a suit. Win a match as Mercy without ever utilizing her fake wings. No slow falling or gliding to teammates and souls. Loss Condition: Taking flight with Mercy’s glide or slowing her fall off any platform. “People say a lot of things, but I’m just a doctor.”
Moira Sorry currently clueless as to how to challenge a Moira without completely crippling her kit.
Solitary Yin/Yang Zenyatta
-Zen has always had two sides to his kit. Win a match by following these conditions. Only one orb may be casted at a time. Till then you are locked to that orb’s conditions. With Discord Orb casted you are free to dps, but are not allowed to heal. Healing Orb casted, you cannot cast discord orb. Do not cast another orb until your previous orb is returned via dead teammate or a dead enemy. Lost Condition: Two orbs casted on two targets. “Sometimes it best to unleash one side more than the other.”
Plate it up Brigitte
-Brigitte was never taught proper medical procedures. Brigitte can no longer heal without giving off armor. Failing to do so on any ally via armorpack will be considered a loss. Loss Condition: Failing to offer armor on armor pack throws. Passive healing does not count towards a loss. Failing to hit all at least four teammates with an ultimate cast is considered a loss. “A smith mends armor. A doctor mends wounds. Big difference.”
Well there you have it folks. A long list of seperate challenges for every hero in the game. How many can you do in one day? Post your results and tell us the stories of these matches.
Hopefully this will test your true mastery over your favorite heros and become a memorable occasion.
-Do not suicide for the purpose of resetting conditions.
-If you lost the challenge please do not lie and post here to brag.
-If you have any feedback on changes I should make or ideas let me know otherwise, please do not cheat and bend the rules.
-Any questions or concerns feel free to voice them here.
-In order to keep the thread readable use the Challenge titles to share what you are aiming for or what you have accomplished.
-This is not to encourage one tricking and if you must change heros, please do so before half of the match ends. (Though it is encouraged to stick to one hero).
-If you lost only you will know about it.
-Be honest. This is for the sake of adding fun not to complain and shame others.
So go out there and go nuts guys! I can’t wait to see what you all are capable of!