Heros who have <250 - a list

This is where another FLAW is present, minor but I brought it to the devs attention, NO NUMBERS IN GAME!??!1

like really?

so here is the list of toons that have 225 NOW that its almost random (mostly support but some DPS?):

Support :

Widow (200)

Here is a list that I thought was odd…

Lifeweaver : 275
Sym: 275

If anyone sees what they’re doing… they overall nerfed the dive, however “diving” isnt all dead I suppose? Meaning Ana and Zen still 250, lifeweaver… 275.

Toons… Lol.

It’s all to do with mobility.

You care so much about numbers and information, but you didn’t even read the patch notes?

Sym and Lifeweaver have been on 275 for ages, you sound like you just realized that…


Yea they never read anything, they just assume the worst and throw a tantrum wherever they’re inconvenienced. The problem is they take everything as a personal attack, even the sun rising and setting lol

Also, people who asked or care - a list:


That’s our Bob. Bless him .

I did read the patch notes, that’s why I made a list because quite a few got their hp reduced.

Then I saw Hanzo… then I’m like “if the 1-shot is back, who can he 1-shot now”. Then it’s like I gotta go thru the whole roster to figure out who has what since nothing is standard anymore.

Also folks, this isn’t a tantrum just making a list. I swear this community cries and mislabel things all the time.

Yup. You do have a habit of doing that a lot.

for me the question remains why Hanzo has 225hp, and Cassidy has 275…

In theory. Cass has to play up close to get value. So it is a compensation for that.


you’re welcome.

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i feel like Devs are killing dive slowly and slowly… like death by a thousand cuts. … like even with the new clash maps. You are likely to lose if you team has a dive tank like Doomfist or Dva.

Balancing around hero mobility, and their model sizes etc is quite reasonable. Likewise if they have to fight close or not.
LW for example has quite big hitbox compared to the rest of supports. Thus 275.
Sym has to usually fight quite close up while having no mobility, outside of TP.

They tried to nerf mobility based hero’s, Juno (high mobility) makes sense, same with kiriko lucio mercy and moira, most of em got compensation buff. Dps: Hanzo is a sniper, shouldnt have as much health, same with widow, tracer has always been the low health high mobility hero, Echo is really mobile and Sombra is almost impossible to kill in general. Lifeweaver used to struggle alot with survivability and sym has to be at close range for her beam to get good use. Hope that makes more sense for you

In what world am I likely to lose with a dva on my team💀 …. That’s sound like a team diff / composition / skill issue. I main DVA and she is one of the most oppressive tanks and levels almost half the tank cast minus Winston and Zar. At can get easily outplayed, don’t engage until bubble are burned and she melts.