Heroes that need reworks

If the symmetra rework is something to go by, id rather they dont ruin any more heroes

i’d take HOTS d.va over OW’s any day…i mean they even made baby d.va good!

Symmetra isn’t “ruined” at all. She is fixed. Even though the auto lock on was fun it was broken. I still don’t really like Symmetra even after the rework but at least she is fixed now.

Reaper doesn’t need a rework he needs tweaks, Bastion needs a rework, Mccree also needs new abilities and so does Soldier cause hitscans like them don’t have place in the game anymore due to all the armor, CC and instakills.

Reaper doesn’t need a rework, he just needs lots of improvements to shadowstep, death blossom, and general quality of life changes like spread and damage against armor. He doesn’t need to be redesigned–his core concept as a CQC hero is perfectly fine.

i disagree, i just made a post about it if you want to give it a read

i think that all the rework is unecesary in general, and it just made the game and character worse in general especially for those who played it

I don’t really think any more heroes need reworks after Torb.

Some just need buffs and others a few better map designs to suit their strengths. All these huge open areas with multiple flank routes make it difficult for some of the less popular heroes to be put to good use, because a long effective range and high mobility are obviously strongest there.

There is heros that need to be looked at… but seeing what a “Rework” does… no hero deserves to have one… This game doesn’t need reworks… they destroy the game more then they help it.

Yep, there is always something they can do with numbers to balance something, a rework is just them giving up.

McCree? Why does he need a re-work?

Devil’s advocate time.

Flashbang and FTH are too good together to the point where you have to make one of them weak and near useless to keep the kit balanced. In a perfect world, the devs could rework him into either a strong skill-based counter vs flankers or a hitscan dps that trades range & safety for a powerful CQC presence.

In theory, it’s a wonderful idea. In practice…well, let’s just forget i ever defended the idea and tell Blizzard to buff him some more.

Yep, it’s sad but true.

I really hate Flash and FTH when I’m not playing a tank, there’s no reason to do it but just show you refuse to practice flash + headshot + bodyshot, which is a good bit more skillful.

Definitely Doomfist.
Basically everything should go safe for the shotgun.

Reaper and Bastion are salvageable.

I am all for them removing his flash bang his stun ability.


  1. She needs to be like 3-5 inches taller. There are times when I build my wall and try to jump up to the railing or whatever, and I can’t. And I’m sad ):
  2. Make it so she can slide on the ice, or at least have increased movement speed.
  3. And speaking of ice, a small hp gain when she is in her blizzard ultimate. I would also like it to snow when she ults.

None of them whatsoever.

Pharah. She alone is not op but with mercy is the worst experience to play against (console).

Also pharah is the only hero that can play free when the enemy dont have a “counter” or the anti air is dead.

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Every rework has made that hero either worse in terms of power, or at least created a worse experience.
Due to that, none of them need reworks.

every Time a hero appearenty has difficulties in the current state of the game or whatever people run and ask a rework when even a tiny buff or nerfs to others could easily bring it up to the meta. I would not easily ask for a rework considering the current state of reworked heroes like mercy who lost her identity or hanzo who saw his skill ceiling reduced to “junkrat spamming level” or even symmetra who had to wait for a third rework to be at least useful or considerable as part of the roster hero

I have no idea what you are talking about. Reworks help the game a lot most of the time.

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