can we PLEASE have “heroes never die!” voiceline back? even if its not for rezzing?
It’s much more clear ,its a better line
current mercy for me is more like:
“What ? mercy is doing something? i didnt notice.”
“I’m watching over you” or the german counterpart is SO lackluster
This wont do anything for her,but at least it will feel better,and people will notice her ult more,even tho her current ult is the most boring version of all of her ults.
“Heroes Never Die!” Should not be used for Valkyrie and I hate the idea that Blizzard even consider doing it. I’d almost consider it them trying to throw a bone to the aggrieved Mercy mains if it wasn’t such a terrible idea and makes the rework crisis worse. It could even be considered a ploy to lessen the meaning of the words to make people associate them with a weak ult and not what they really mean.
The voice line and the imagery “Heroes Never Die!” conjures in your mind is iconic. It needs to be remembered for what it was and what it represented. When Mercy 1.0 was used well and you pulled off that big clutch res with “Heroes Never Die!” ringing out across the battlefield it meant something amazing was happening. It was the turn of the tide. The image of Mercy standing there staff held high as the souls rose around her was game changing and thrilling to pull off. It made you a hero.
Such a great voice line should not be bastardized for use in a lack luster ability like Valkyrie where you can’t save your team during those critical moments and undoubtedly heroes will die. Valkyrie does not fit “Heroes Never Die!” and neither does the Rez ability as it stands. It’s a pale shadow of the true resurrection and tying such an epic voice line to a pathetic weakened ability diminishes the meaning of the words.
I love the voice line and what it means, I really do, it’s one of the reasons why I played Mercy for so many hours, but it is important that we remember it in the correct context so to prevent the original Mercy and “Heroes Never Die!” from being forgotten or Blizzard trying to make us forget.
If Valkyrie needs a better voice line they should give it something new. I have no idea what though as Valkyrie creates no mental image for me when I hear it in the context of Mercy as it does nothing epic or noteworthy in any way.
Yea, it really does feel like the devs are throwing a bone to Mercy players. They’ll ignore thousands of comments against the Mercy re-work nerfy nerfs, but once someone asks for Mercy’s old Ult line, voila, they will do that.
Having mixed feelings bout it as well…
I love Valkyrie, even after all of the nerfs, and never want the old Ultimate to return outside of special event game modes.
But I absolutely oppose re-using the old voicelines for the old Ultimate on this new Ultimate.
It just doesn’t fit as well as “I will watch over you!” And it very much does feel like desecrating the memory of the old Ultimate’s power in a misguided attempt to alleviate the frustration of Mercy mains dealing with the rework and many following nerfs.