Heroes Never Die: A Story of Courage, Hope, and Compassion

So, nothing in the article. Got it. Might be time for you to pack it in.

Guys you realize the article you read had to be greenlit by a chinese censor right? Isn’t just that beyond messed up on its own. Jesus…

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not to the article…to some of the responses on here…

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Yes. We are all CCP agents. Thrillho is my code name, and I get my assignments from a numbers station.


If your argument is so bad that you have to season it with a “might,” maybe you should reconsider your stance.

McDonald’s wouldn’t be able to supercede the Chinese government’s authority if every Chinese citizen was under this order. You have no evidence of this, and even if she were under this order it would not be her fault and she’d herself be a victim to the Chinese government.

I share your beliefs about the Chinese government, swathes of the Chinese people and their anti-black racism, among the CCP’s many other sins. But not every Chinese person is the same and not every thing about Chinese people has to do with their government. You need to stop.


h ttps://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/africans-in-china-allege-racism-as-fear-of-new-virus-cases-unleashes-xenophobia/2020/04/13/7f606cd8-7d26-11ea-84c2-0792d8591911_story.html

Are you mad? In what world do you believe any information coming out of that communistic horror show of a government. They have probably have 2 million deaths for all we know. All information you are getting out of their is coming from that propaganda machine.

Any company should be down right ashamed of themselves for having any ties with that place.

They zeroed out, omg where do you get your news? The Confucius Institute?

I understand what’s going on. I also understand that it’s irrational to think all of the billion people support this policy or are being forced to operate under it.


The Cake is a Lie

The writing style of the piece is an exact match for how the CCP writes their propaganda.

We already have an issue with medical staff being martyred against their will, adding propaganda on top of that is just distasteful.


Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes a good news story is just that as well.

Certain politicians are arguing that COVID was a bio-weapon gone wrong.

Partially because generic anti-virals (Protease Inhibitors) used with HIV treatment to reduce the replication rate of the virus ALSO work against COVID.
But it also works with Hepatitis, and a bunch of other viruses.

But clearly that’s evidence of it being an engineered bioweapon…

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It’s literally just a viral story that makes Overwatch players look good. Why wouldn’t Blizzard be crowing about it. They have a literal Mercy main fighting Corona virus.


Cause maybe she should be on the front lines of a country that isn’t a human rights violator. And on top of that the cause of this whol;e mess CHINA!!

This is beautiful…

Hahaha, how can she heal people if she can’t even heal in game? :rofl: :skull:

Just out of curiosity … what country might that be?

This is so heartwarming. A fictional character in some silly video game is indirectly making a difference in the real world. So awesome.

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Not gonna be baited into some SJW college course debate over my comments. China is the enemy of free people and any company that has dealings with it should be ashamed.

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