Heroes Locked for no reason

Oh! But I have Sojourn unlocked. For some reason. No other hero not from the FTUE is unlocked, but I have Sojourn. Possibly because I won a game as her before the servers exploded?

Same here, still have my cosmetics but heroes are locked.


This happened to me as well. I got to play earlier in the day for about 20mins before the server kicked me and I had access to all characters. I get back on tonight and now half of my characters are locked.


Same problem , not enjoying the game very much… this is not helping tho

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Well, resetting (after a long, long queue) fixed it, at least for now. This had better not be a recurring bug. Maybe trying to fleece so much money out of people had some debilitating effects?

So, like, why are there absolutely no blue posts on this forum right now? It’s launch day; bugs are to be expected, yet there appear to be absolutely no Blizzard employees actually servicing complaints. AndyB made like 1 post on the general forums, and that’s about it. This is pretty unacceptable.


I can only play Queen, Orisa, Rein, Winston, Zarya, Pharah, Reaper, Sojourn, Soldier, Torb, Tracer, Widow, Kiriko, Lucio, Mercy, and Moira. I’ve had OW1 for years as well and had access to all heroes earlier today. At some point during the launch today I lost access to heroes.


Hmm, happened to me as well. Got kicked out (unexpected server error) in the middle of a QP match, I was on Kiriko having a good time. And then I sat in queue for another 30 mins, and now all my characters are locked. It’s really weird to see. Like, I have everything unlocked and all of my skins and golden guns, but I can’t use any of the characters. That sucks.


Also happening to me.

Yep same here. I didn’t play the original game religiously, but I did play it. The game is treating me as a new player even though almost all of my cosmetics from OW1 are in OW2.

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Also happening to me – veteran player, all my cosmetics got moved over, but everyone is locked except for the starting lot. I’m not sure if restarting it fixes it, but I’ll give it a try despite the queue.

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Encountering the same issue, I can see the cosmetics on the original characters, but I cant play them. looks like my stats are incorrectly transferred. CMA

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Didn’t have this issue at first, but did have the big that said friends were in a different version. Kept logging in and out until we were on the “same” versions, only to find almost all of our heroes now locked (despite playing OW 1 and having Battle Passes).

Same, not amused. Lucky I’m a Mercy main but I wanted to play some Brigette.

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same here it’s infuriating


played on Xbox had a good amount of time played one let me say it again ONE game and all my heroes were locked and all my cosmetics gone on all my heroes so they better do something this is stupid

And after that ONE game lost connection and can’t even play ever since

not only are all my heroes locked (except the default ones) I am also unable to unlock the locked ones :frowning:
I have been playing overwatch 1 so they shouldnt be locked at all right?

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I have the exact same problem. Most of the heroes are locked for me, including my two mains, even though i played OW1 for years. Blizzard will eventually come up with a fix.

Same thing happening to me

I’m having the same problem. I’ve been playing overwatch for a while, I’m not a new player. I didn’t merge accounts. Weirdly though, I played earlier today and the hero’s weren’t locked, but now they are. I’m also PC.