Hero Reworks We Need

For the overall health of the game, we need the following reworks. These reworks address obnoxious Tanks to play alongside and against, address annoying CC on the DPS/Support roles, and address Hanzo’s reliance on 1-shots that he can’t do anymore anyways without a damage boost pushing him past break points (another damaging arrow instead of Sonic Arrow would feel great).

  • Doomfist (Reworked back to DPS Doom, but he’d have less CC and single-target burst damage than he did in OW1, in exchange for more AOE damage/damage over time than he had before. I’d keep some elements of Tank Doomfist that would be healthy for DPS Doomfist; for more info, look at my past threads for my detailed Doomfist rework).
  • Orisa (Reworked back to OW1 Orisa, she needed rebalanced, the rework only made her more frustrating to play alongside and against).
  • Roadhog (Reduce his CC, nerf his 1-shot combo, and nerf the self-sustain he gets directly from his Breather, BUT using Breather resource would expand an inhalant cloud AOE that reduces damage taken and heals allies in the area).
  • Wrecking Ball (I’d reduce his knock-back a bit, and Adaptive Shields should be reworked into an Enfeeble Pulse ability that reduces the damage output of enemies, this way Wrecking Ball immediately benefits his back-line too; not only heroes that dive in with him like the Season 10 rework does, and it’s way more likely a Wrecking Ball player would use Enfeeble Pulse near enemies, than to Adaptive Shields near enemies and then also seek to share Overhealth to nearby allies; so the Season 10 Wrecking Ball rework does not make him as reliable of a Tank for the team as my rework would).
  • Cassidy (Magnetic Grenade no longer Hinders or Slows, but travels faster, blows up faster after attaching, deals more damage, and has a shorter cooldown).
  • Hanzo (No longer able to head-shot and Sonic Arrow removed, but buff Arrow damage, possibly charge speed, and/or projectile speed, and add either a Chain-Lightning Arrow, Explosive Arrow, or Poison/Burn Arrow).
  • Ana (Sleep Dart replaced with an Enfeeble Dart that reduces the damage output of the effected enemy and also slows them, and Anti-Heal reduced from -100% to -50% but Ana receives compensation buffs). Note: Junker Queen would also have her Anti-Heal reduced from -100% to -50% and receive compensation buffs.

I am so glad the devs dont read threads…


My changes would straight up make the play experience alongside and against these heroes overall more stable and healthy.

If the devs want the game to suffer, then yeah, they shouldn’t listen. There are people constantly complaining about these heroes, so they need changed.

Note: For reworking Doomfist back to DPS, I have an older thread I made detailing a solid way to make him a healthy DPS hero for the game.

Junker Queen needs her bleed hp regen converted to over health. As is, her entire kit is at a permanent 15% nerf.

Queen and Doom are similar heroes in that they both gain HP resources by landing abilities. The dps passive does not directly effect overhealth. It’s constantly reducing Queen’s regen.

It has effectively killed the hero.

For the greater good.-- Tau.
How many should suffer for this illusion …