Hero pools= one tricks not playing comp

Nothing you said in your reply address is the fact that what you are doing is essentially soft throwing.
Voluntary or involuntary it is still considered soft throwing.

Regular quick play is like competitive with Role Q as well. People are genuinely trying to win in that mode from what I have seen.
Classic quick play is the one that is like a circus.
There is no excuse to soft throw games by practicing Heroes you are not good at in competitive. Other than to troll or throw.


Depends on how good you are and what hero you onetrick. Never saw anyone complain about the Rein onetrick.


That is complete nonsense. If someone is a Bronze Soldier, then they are clearly terrible at playing the character and need to learn how to play him better. By your logic, they need to stop playing Soldier in Comp until they get enough skill to play him at a higher level.

There’s no joke about a person trying their hardest to learn to play a character better. No matter how bad they currently are at that character.

This is just irrational.


Same, good thing I don’t play competitive anyway. If hero pools came to quickplay I’d flat out quit the game


The devs said last time that they weren’t doing hero bans but onetricks were not a consideration why they didn’t implement them.

This tells us that future changes to the game, they are not considering onetricks and how it affects them. They always encourage players to learn other things.


It is. It’s what humans do. Specialization. I am specializing, but I also like hero pools and see the benefits of it. Not only for myself but also for the overall development of the game.


So, you put your fun over the fun of another, while you could fix not getting one-tricks by queueing with poeple who don’t one-trick?

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No it isn’t.

Let me get this straight.

Your argument is that if you know you’re bad at a character, then you should play in Quick Play because otherwise it’s throwing.

But in the same breath, you argue that people in Quick Play are “trying to win”?

Doesn’t your entire argument mean that Quick Play is more or less full of bad players practicing characters they don’t know how to play and are involuntarily “throwing” on?

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They actually should, they need to play QP until they get better. Why play a hero you know you are bad at? That is basically throwing.

There is a joke about treating a game’s competitive mode as a tutorial.


one trick reinhardts are tight

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Blizz doesn’t support 1 tricking. Anyway it would only be for 1 week and your hero would be back into rotation.


and who made you the incharge to decide whats healthy and whats not?
If im playing one hero, im confident about my pick and im gonna be playing at my peak. If lets say lucio is on the ban list but i cant play ana and im forced to play ana because…well there is no hero who can relate to lucio’s play style

So basically, nobody should play any character in Competitive until they are at the level of a Top 500?

So any person who isn’t a complete expert with a character is basically playing “Tutorial Mode”? Gotcha.

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I’m a Lucio main/flex support.

I think I might abstain on weeks that Lucio is banned because I always run him on attack rounds and control maps. Having to think of another support I can play that well beyond Baptiste (now broken), Brigitte (quite vulnerable to dive) and Moira (eh.) makes my brain melt.

Not to say that I can’t run other supports well or effectively, it’s just that I have so many hours of Lucio on Ilios that if I have to run anything else that isn’t Lucio or brig, I’m gonna have a harder time and I might get frustrated so that’ll just be a quick play week for me :stuck_out_tongue:

If you do this hero pool thing you should ban heroes depending on their pickrate.

There is nothing wrong with specialization. However specializing on only one thing can put you at a disadvantage.

If a win comes at the cost of me having fun then i’ll take it. Someone gotta take the bullet for my team, and I am more then happy to do it.

Your best can still be hard countered. Blizzard also does not support one tricking.

Or at the level in witch they feel that they will not screw up.

In some ways yes, if your are not an expert then you are still learning.

They said a few days ago that dont encourage nor take into consideration people who only play one hero.


Not just hard one-tricks. I play many different heroes. But when I load up OW, it’s usually because I want to play one specific one - maybe two. And then I find out they’re banned. It doesn’t really encourage me to go ‘eh, I guess I’ll just play someone I wasn’t looking forward to!’

If you can’t get out of a rank, then you will almost certainly screw up. By definition, you are more likely to screw up the more you play at your best rank. So again, by this logic, no one should ever play in low rank.

So, yet again, nobody should play Competitive mode until they are a Top 500 player.

Then just play her in QP for a week? Or just don’t play for a week. Or try other heroes. That’s your choice.

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