Hero pools is a brave and holistic change

So there will be a pool with no Hanzo/Baptiste? I could see myself joining that one.

Will Overwatch 2 have a beta period like OW1 did?


You know what? I wish future update could be focused on actual bugfixing game UI.

Since patch 1.27 a one simple option in Custom Games called “Add to queue” in lobby is not working.
Since patch 1.28 Polish signs of low hp player when playing healers are positioned incorrectly.
Since patch 1.30 Custom Game are looping music from lobby even when game is started.
On Archives event you completely ignored bug which didn’t allowed us to save highlights from Retrubition and Storm Rising.
Since 1.44 (!) HP bar is positioned incorrectly and there’s black dots on chat.

All problems were reported on Bug reports and PTR Bug reports multiple times, and all reports got IGNORED, and topics got CLOSED.
And all issues are still here!

I wish you could stop for a second worrying about game balance and focus on game UI bugfixing!


No Dumbfist :laughing:


Great question here.

totally. we’re so excited for this. we’ve wanted this for so long. it was a ton of work but it’s going to be really cool. plus i am super excited to get console players involved with testing changes (right now they cannot play the PTR)


I wonder… will experimental card give us the ability to play as characters before their rework? Torb still has lv 3 turret in his ride em highlight intro.
Also will we get weekly brawls back too? Those looked fun


This might be a weird thing to say, but I’d like to thank everyone here for being civil and friendly in our interactions with Jeff.

I’m sure he appreciates it, and behaving properly probably makes him more likely to interact with us in the future.


Awesome question!

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Jeff can you guys make a poll at the end of each season giving players the choice for the next competitive season map pool (and maybe hero pool idk), with a limitation of one map per mode and the 2 other maps is dev’s choice?

I dont appreciate you talkin about my boy Zen like this, he is amazing, if there isnt a doomfist.


Html counts towards your message length. So wrapping something in the small tag adds all the characters for the tags towards your limit. But some tags aren’t valid, and won’t render anything special. They still count towards the limit. It’s a lot harder to filter bogus html server side than client side so I’m guessing they don’t.


Are there any control or interface improvements in the pipeline beyond profiles? More colorblind options (especially group color options), crosshair options(outline thickness), or just the ability to swap Mei’s left and right clicks without changing wall placement controls would be nice.

His healing is garbage imo

He needs 5 more orbs, but reduce the healing per second to 5

I figure team will have already considered this and it’s either technical limitations or Sony/Microsoft‘s rules, but restricting competitive to the account that owns the OW key will both reduce smurfs drastically as well as make comp bans for misbehaving players stick, as they can’t just flip to their next account and continue griefing.

Thanks so much for all your comments in this thread! I love seeing responses to the console player base, and it’s awesome that the team overcame the technical problems with putting the PTR-lite on console!

While I think hero pools are an interesting concept, I am a little confused.

What is the purpose of hero pools if the developers are swapping over to a more aggressive, meta targeted balancing philosophy? If we are getting weekly or bimonthly balance changes that are directly targeting problematic heroes, then hero pools are ultimately redundant, right?

Overall I am interested in seeing how this turns out, albeit nervous.

Now that’s interesting

how bout the next next hero :wink:


Holy moly, Jeff’s on fire today! This is exciting!


Or a hog. I find it super easy to be hooked as zen. :stuck_out_tongue: The idea of giving him more healing balls could be a neat idea to make him a bit more viable as a main healer though. (not that he should be, just could be neat)