That blows! I’ve been using Mouse1 as the forward movement key ever since Quake1 in 1996!
And I’ve been using it for strafe left since Doom.
Hello. I’m just replying again because the Paris patch hasn’t fixed it for me neither.
Yea I still can’t either, and the only custom controls I have are for melee and push to talk (side mouse buttons) and comms menu (bottom row of keyboard).
My account on PC is affected. My sister’s is not. Same PC.
My mouse has many buttons, but movement is not bound to it.
mine isn’t working too. it’s so annoying
The new patch hasn’t fixed it either. It has been going on for a month for me and i have only melee and interact as custom settings for the side buttons of my mouse
Once again, I update here that Patch (the Baptiste release) has NOT fixed this issue yet. I am still not able to rotate models (skins and weapons) of any hero in Hero Gallery and Overwatch League skins.
Hi, new person with the problem here! I personally didn’t have any problems with the rotation until the Overwatch League patch at the end of the Lunar New Year event. Same as everyone, can’t rotate any hero, weapon, etc.
The only controls I have assigned to my mouse are the shift, the jump (side buttons), reload (wheel button) and switching weapons (up and down wheel button). It hasn’t been fixed in any patches since I got the problem. I tried repairing installation too.
Old player but new to forums so hello there!
I’ve had this exact problem aswell since about the beginning of this year, or the ending of the previous year. I can’t rotate anything in my hero gallery, but having another person log into their account on my pc doesn’t make any difference. I had my partner log in to their account and they can easily rotate whatever they want in the hero gallery. Log back to my account and I can’t rotate anything.
I had the problem too!
My solution: Resetting the control settings! I must have removed a keybinding for a key, that controls Hero rotation!
OR maybe you find out, which empty key of your control settings need to be assigned.
I’m really really sure, there’s a connection with an empty key in ctrl settings with hero rotation!
hope that helps
Because your partner has different keybindings saved in his account. Please read my reply to topic opener, i’m sure it’s because of that
edit: oh i just read your comment again, and apparently it only works on his pc, not on yours. hm ok then my reply might be invalid…
Same thing here, resetting control options is kind of not an option since I have so many custom keybinds…
i still have this problem. i submitted a ticket and got help advice but that was before i heard that setting controls to default could fix it (and i forgot to reply in a timely manner to the help i was given so it was inconclusive)
Is there a solution to this yet?
I have had the issue since December, and mouse 1 is not bound to anything other than primary fire.
No official fix, the unofficial fix is to reset your controls. If you’ve got a load of customization that probably isn’t worth it since the bug can re-occur.
I can’t believe this is still an issue
It’s only been a year…
i have literally no issue with rotating the models right now…
Congrats, your config settings don’t activate the bug. Thanks for sharing.