Hero concept: stun-a-tron

Technically, one shot mechanics are equivalent to 15-25 sec stuns (Respawn + run back).

I think Stun-a-tronā€™s Ultimate should make all enemies automatically dance-emote (and make It so that dancing is not interrupted by damage, only by death).

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Wait. so you want to Nerf Brigg? I thought this was a hero idea post. . .

He should be called 'Numba 1 Stunna"

I will main this hero lol

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From reading the forums this is how some people think Brigitte already functions.

Not enough stuns.

that hero concept was S T U N N I N G

I hope (s)he has at least 200hp and 400 armour. I donā€™t want to be one clipped by Tracerā€¦
And it is clear the shift ability needs 150 damage or I call UP right now.

This hero should just be able to stun the entire game

I was laughing so hard as I read this I believe that his ult should be to stun the entire enemy team and to deal 1000000 dps obviously. and it should also stun the spawn timer for 10 mins and stun the spawn door for 20 mins after that. Also, he needs to deal a lot more dps on his other attack. His stuns should last twice as long and he should have 0 cds, 1000 health, 200 shield, and 300 armor. His passive should be to stun everyone around him for 40 meters for 4 secs and refreshes every 3 secs.
Does that make the hero more balanced? Please give feedback.

Need to add some tossing up into the air with the stuns and weā€™ll be golden.

i think their hp should be 200 hp. theyā€™re in the damage class

However, due to the underpoweredness of this character, we need to give it extra health to compensate.

200 armor and 200 shields

Sincerely, The Brigitte Spaghetti Movement

You should add a passive where when enemies miss him they are stunned.

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