Hero Concept Showcase #2: Talon Tank

Hey hey everyone!

I hope you’ve all enjoyed last theme’s Showcase, because this one is going to challenge not only your creativity, but also your alliegance.

Just to recap, Sombra has held Brigitte hostage, and Torbjörn needs your help to rescue her! However, you’ve also got a choice to work for Sombra (who has recently informed me that a unique reward could be awarded).

The theme is a Talon Tank!

Submissions begin today, and the submission period will end on September 7th, 7:00 PST.

I will also try to be faster with posting the results this time. Get to it, Hero Crafters!

~ PyroPanda


This one is going to be tough, but I have an idea.

Let’s do this. Good luck everyone!



Crap I don’t think I ever posted the revision for him…maybe I did


Yay, always welcome more of these, nice job again man❤️

Let’s do this people


Ok now I’m scared because I’m not sure how well Tyrannus would hold up now. I made him shortly after Brigitte came out, but I don’t know if he’d stand the test of time

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Here you are, good sir.
https ://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y-ThRUTuo5IvUrbPr3sjAeFvYw1EYpQB-wqEsvr-rcg/edit?usp=sharing
(I put a lot of thought, and effort into this. <3)


Hey just wanted to let you know I tried looking at your link and I deleted the gap that I noticed at the front of the URL. I don’t know if it’s because I’m on my phone but it said that I couldn’t access it right now

Weird. Could it be a problem with your internet, or were you on google docs, and it said you couldn’t access it?

What’s wrong with the Talon Heavy?

Is that my characters nickname?

Oh neat, people still remember him. That slam move is super op and I think Antonio should stay dead.

Just for the record, I love the nickname! :heart:

I’m glad that you like it but I thought that’s already what everyone was calling him, debs included?

I got it to work on my laptop. I use google drive from my phone all the time I don’t know why it didn’t work.

A hero who’s name means tyrant. Nice.

Here is my Talon tank concept: Castel
h ttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1FJE5tO-g-NL73ldYkxI4JwXeXNZDfkM36jNifNqoQgw/edit?usp=sharing


Haven’t seen you in a loooooong time, PyroPanda.

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If I may give some criticisms?

  1. Her primary fire deals 2.5 per hit, and 80 shots a second. That would be 200 DPS, which is way too high for any tank.
  2. Plus, her secondary fire deals 350 damage, and has a tighter spread than Reaper’s? That would be OP, cause you could bodyshot someone right next to you, and they would immediately die, let alone the fact you could one shot anyone if you landed a headshot. It’s just… not a good idea. I don’t wanna see this become the next scatter arrow.
  3. I think your idea of a passive for Castel is great, and creative. I have no gripes with it, just wanted to throw some positive in with my critiques.
  4. I like your ultimate idea, but I think reduced cooldowns, combined with your other abilities like boosters, and shot blast would make Castel way too OP for those 8 seconds. Maybe if the duration was shorter, and cooldowns were only reduced by half it could work, but as it stands, it is the complete opposite of “Balance”.

Overall I think your concept is really good, but you might wanna tone down the abilities and their power a bit. Other than that, I hope you have a lovely day/night. :smiley:


And it’s great to see you again, buddy. :>

~ PyroPanda

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Antonio can be Robocopped into a upgraded Heavy Talon

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