Hero Choice: Reportable / Bannable or not?

We have on the record statements like these below, strongly implying that under no circumstances will hero choice be bannable:

https:// us.battle .net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20761616812#post-2

https:// us.battle .net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20760716149#post-10

But then you have blizzard Game Masters telling people that this isn’t the case. Which is it?

https:// www.reddit .com/r/Overwatch/comments/86abjm/doomfist_suspension_update_ive_actually_received/

The official statement from Josh Engen seems to leave no ambiguity about the idea that only what you do while on a hero matters, not what hero you choose to play with. If this isn’t true you guys need to make that clear, and do it in no uncertain terms. If it is true, and hero choice is never reportable, you need to make that clear to the GMs.

Either way I’d appreciate an answer, as this is still causing a lot of confusion and strife.

(Apparently I’m not allowed to have links in my post, so remove the spaces)


It is not bannable to select and play any specific hero at any specific time (or continiously). However, players who one-trick a hero set themselves up to fall into other violations of the Blizzard Code of Conduct usually based on their player behavior or how they communicate to other players.

My advice to all players is avoid one-tricking a specific hero. Its okay to primarily play any hero whenever it is appropriate, but always Play Nice, Play Fair!

The position on the issue isn’t clear enough and is leading to confusion. No amount of argument from other players is going to convince me that “We believe players should be evaluated based on their actions with whichever hero they choose” means anything other than what is says, that as long as you’re trying on the hero you’ve chosen, even if they’re the worst possible choice of hero, you haven’t broken a rule. I’d like a response from the Overwatch team making clear what the actual rules in this area are in a way that doesn’t leave any ambiguity.

To me the Josh Engen post seems 100% clear, but Blizzard GMs are saying something different, so there’s still something that needs to be addressed here.

I think the problem is perception. Doesnt really matter what the hero is. Someone making a mistake, or just down right sucking, is misconstrued as someone throwing or not trying their hardest or not caring… Maybe they are just having a bad day of gaming, I don’t know.

It’s hard to accept a loss, especially when you feel like yourself did really well.


https:// us.forums.blizzard .com/en/overwatch/t/one-tricking-wiki-info-quotes-faq-more/26293

Officially it’s not. However, GMs will ask you to be more cooperative regardless. I don’t think that’s should be taken as insult unless they openly say that your hero choices are poor, which is damn unacceptable considering context of being false report victim, and which, I suspect, the can’t say.

https:// www.youtube. com/watch?v=sgFEMQHk8to

Unofficially blizz report system is a poor placebo, which does more harm than help. Due to automated nature, hidden report ratings (which are easy to pad), possibility to report enemy team players and report people even before match start, with limitless amount of possible reports on top of that system can be and in fact are abused. Broadly abused.

Report system is so absurd, that it abused even in ranks where people should think about playing on most basic level instead of searching for scapegoats for their shortcomings. And if that’s doesn’t tell something, I don’t know what else does.

I already got suspended on this relatively fresh acc, simply for playing widow with great efficiency at my rank (my overbuff hero rank is 58% with top 40%+ damage and elms while I play widow in every situation, even unfavorable ones, to learn to deal with pressure, which negatively affects my stats), due to “AFK” and “grief” (regardless to impossibility to grief on widow which doesn’t have ice walls and out of cliff teleporters) reports.

It’s a huge problem, and un-suspension will take time, yet you have right to demand to punish people who false-reported you.


To be clear, I’m not arguing for one course of action or another. I’m saying the following two statements are 100% contradictory, and something needs to be sorted out.

So your suspension is not because you were playing Doomfist, it’s because you are consistently providing a bad experience for your team by playing a hero that is not suited for your game, comp, team matchup or situation.

We believe players should be evaluated based on their actions with whichever hero they choose. … if a teammate is actively trying to perform well on their hero and help their team, they should NOT be reported under any category.

One statement comes from far higher instance than the other.

Its still wont hurt to get official clarification from blizzard why are their GMs allowed to say things which directly contradict CMs and game devs statements.


It has been my observation that anytime anyone has reported being banned under the alleged claim they were a one-trick, I often find that they have violated other rules of the Code of Conduct. As I said, this can be being hostile to other teammates in team communication or not grouping up with your teammates when a team fight is lost.

Here are the development responses on this matter. Please note, the old forums are being a pickle today giving me dozens of 500 errors. (I seriously need to finish the archives I am building, I feel the old forums are about to get 404’d soon).

Agreed. A post from a member of the overwatch team should absolutely supersede the words of what amounts to Blizzard customer service. That said, people are still being banned or suspended, and Blizzard GMs are telling them those suspensions are justified. It doesn’t much matter what the rules actually say if they’re constantly going to be enforced differently in actual practice. Which is my point. Either Blizzard needs to change their stated policy, or they need to get their GMs up to speed.

In either case, a statement along the lines of either “The GM is right, this is bannable” or “the GM is wrong, this is not bannable and we’ll look into it”. Is called for.

I’ve seen this be the case too, which is why I normally don’t pay much attention to those posts, but the post from the GM currently on reddit seems to indicate the ban was 100% for picking doomfist in unoptimal scenarios.

To be clear, this isn’t a reportable offense in overwatch unless it rises to the level of “intentional feeding”, as per the griefing report category.

That is correct as there are simple mistakes in matches. I myself often reserve from filing a Poor Teamwork report if they are feeding and they talk back when I call them out on it in team comms. “Hey you need to fall back, we lost?” “No way you guys just suck staying alive.” (Usually a 3 strikes then reported policy for me, but that is my opinion).

EDIT: Now I do wish to point out, that while one-trick players are a perceived problem (from both the one-trick player and players who don’t like to deal with one-tricks), I do have a thread that I created that I believe can effectively revamp Competitive Mode to benefit both parties. I do encourage you to check it out and offer your thoughts:

Bumping your own thread is probably bad form, but I’d really appreciate an official reply. I’m sure a lot of the comp community would as well.

It’s bannable when your hero choice is hurting the team; example an attack torb or sym as these were described as situational heroes by jeff kaplan. It’s bannable because if you choose to have this kind of behavior then your teammates have the power to go report you and your account racks up those reports and the system auto bans you. So basically the people are deciding that they do not want to play with someone like you because you’re making the game unfun, not only for them but everyone else that was on your team. I’d say that ban is worthy.

So idk if this is correct or not, but I play a lot of Torb, Bastion and Symmetra so I get tons of people saying “Report for playing x character in chat.” Typically, I then right click-> report-> griefing->in comments box type, “Attempting to encourage false mass reporting.” and typically proceed to mute the chat.

About 3/4 of the time I do that, I get the little notification box that action has been taken against a player I recently reported the next time I log on and my account has not yet been banned.

So probably just avoid replying to people because that’s just likely to give them something to ban you for and if someone is trying to encourage mass reporting in the chat, just report them so they can receive the ban for abusing the reporting system that they deserve.

Fatman: That’s your opinion, and it’s in direct contradiction with this statement, which is why i’m asking for clarification:

We believe players should be evaluated based on their actions with whichever hero they choose. … However, if a teammate is actively trying to perform well on their hero and help their team, they should NOT be reported under any category.

Based on this, it’s 100% ok to not switch off a hero in accordance with the rules. Only actions taken on a hero matter from a rules standpoint.

This is the right thing to do, according to the developers. Filing false reports, including reports related to your hero choice, is officially considered to be griefing.

Yeah no… even blizzard, JEFF KAPLAN said that some heroes are situational like SYM. So yeah. You’re wrong. You cant just pick attack sym on every map and not expect your team to be super pissed off at you because youre ruining the game for them and they have the freedom to report you which will eventually get your account banned.

It feels like Blizzard is schizophrenic on this topic…
Jeff/Josh’s Stance: Try to avoid one-tricking, but if you do as long as you are trying to win it is OK and not punishable.
GM’ stance: Jeff who? If the team doesn’t like it, don’t do it or you’re suspended.

Yep that happens… but according to Jeff what should happen is that the attack Sym shouldn’t get banned and all people filing false reports receive a suspension.

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Look at the PTR updates. They’re literally adding “you can’t report people for refusing to switch” to the report screen.

https:// imgur .com/td90y7v

Yeah but i can report that person when i ask them to switch and they respond with a harsh response. It’s still a report and other ppl will do the same. Automated system will then ban them once they get a certain amount of reports. Don’t pick something that hurts your team and makes the game not fun for your entire team.

What it has to do with anything? Abusive chat/poor teamwork is entierly different section and reason. Untill, ofc, you mean that you false report people for nothing.