Hero bans are GOOD for the game

Not enough heroes yet for bans to exist. It won’t magically solve stale metas when most of the same heroes are viable (or best) on all maps. It’ll just shift the meta to be whatever is best once the same top heroes are banned.

Again, it wasn’t about GOATS per se… that was a symptom of a larger problem presented by open 6-stacks… the complexities of balancing for a roster for every combination up to 70 characters.

And again, I’m telling you this wasn’t a more important issue than any other former existing metas in the game…

It doesn’t have to be a complexity. Metas are a problem only for higher ranks because they play meta only… this doesn’t have to affect the other 99% of the playerbase.

I still stand by the fact that 222 should have only been forced for Pro-players (or Top 500 and GM as well). I know people in lower ranks love 222 as well because they happen to have 4-DPS stacks but I still think this was highly exaggerated. Most games are already 222 orientated except when we needed a specific composition to countering cheese comps or something alike.

It was interesting to play outside 222 as far as I’m concerned. Even Goats was pretty interesting or quad tanks.

Blizzard disagrees with you and so do most commentators… I think they overrule your understanding tbh.

Those are just opinions. Before Goats, people criticized other former metas such as Dragon-grav, Dive or whatever else there was.

This is just people being people and doesn’t stand as something serious based on facts. It’s just people ranting.

Just because there’s a majority of people that are wrong doesn’t meant they’re right. And to be honest, the forums commentators are just a loud minority. Most players don’t even participate in forums discussions so we can’t know what they think of this.

I think we are done here on that comment. Again, its not about GOATS per se, its about a system and underlying problem with metas and unforeseen balance issues.

I’ll go with the Pros on this one.

They they wont.

It will be abused. People will ban heros they hate or believe is why they lose. People will always want to play the OP heroes, thus is the meta.

Then “bye” if you can’t stand people thinking otherwise :man_shrugging: ! No need to quote me when I answer to people that are open about discussing this (if you’re not).

Oh noooooo, a game mechanic that might let the players themselves reject a certain distasteful meta (i.e. double shield mei/hanzo/reaper/doom etc.) that might make the game fun and diverse again! The horror! Oh no, my favorite hero got banned? Guess I’ll just have to play my second favorite hero! Unless I’m a one-trick, which then gosh golly I guess that means I’ll have to learn how to use some of the other 31 heroes! This is outrageous! Preposterous! Absolutely and emphatically poopy!

Seriously. Restrictions of freedom are not ALWAYS bad. I get it, you won’t always be able to do what you want, but you know what? You ever see those “no diving” signs at the pool? You ever wonder what would happen if you dove there and hit your head? You’d end up in the hospital, possibly with a concussion or maybe even worse! But grrrr restrictions! How dare they take away my ability to play cancerous metas!

Yea man, people learning that they can ban the metas/heroes that annoy them most? They would totally leave. The players that left after this cancerous meta? Totally wouldn’t come back now that they have a way to deal with the atrocity of a meta they left for.

Sorry for being passive aggressive, but bro. Really? They’re not gonna allow like 6 bans per team. At most it’ll be 1-2. If you happen to one-trick a certain hero that they ban, well, that sucks bro. Shoulda learned other heroes. Or literally just make your profile private. It’s that simple.

Players will be able to make their own metas. Wow, that’s disgusting.

Per statement from Jeff, they wont be allowing any bans at all


Jeff answered this yesterday. All it does is create a ban meta. There is no positive side to it.

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6 players - 6 votes
What if the votes are 3-3?
Should the system choose who voted the fastest?
What if the votes are 6 different ban choices?
We gonna have people argue about who to ban before a match for god knows how many minutes?
What if your team voted in 2 seconds, and now they have to wait for the enemy team to decide what to vote on, and they can’t?

  • Oh, and you can’t even enter hero selection at that time, cuz the system hasn’t had anything banned yet.
    You want that experience?

Have fun getting your hero banned because your teammates saw what you prefer to play and banned it ^^

You are not getting it… its a problem when a meta drives off everyone and makes OWL garbage to watch. That is a problem…

No your just missing the point is all, not wasting my time. You didn’t win an argument in the least here bro. Blizz and the bulk of the pro community and commentators see it differently, I agree with them and their reasons for it. Its not about what’s “meta” in the least…

Yeah yeah, I know the drill : “You know nothing Jon Snow, I have all the answers, you are wrong because I’m right and there’s no other way”.

I’ve heard it all before from people like you on these forums.

That’s why it’s impossible to discuss with you because in my point of view, there’s no winner or loser… just a discussion with people having different opinions :man_shrugging: ! I’m not the one trying to win anything out of this.

That’s their right but it doesn’t make them right. That’s just their opinion and way of seeing things. I’m not a sheep.

Good for you. A lot of us don’t and it’s perfectly fine too.

If it’s not, then why are you insisting with your mandatory 2/2/2 ? Anyways let’s leave it at this.

Thanks anyways.

Moving on - you had your say, I had mine.

Not being sheep doesn’t make you automatically right either, and it doesn’t mean the majority is wrong either. Poor argument to say the least.

You just can’t leave it unless you had the final word :slight_smile: !

you are ranked mid bronze it’s impossible for you to throw by playing another hero, especially a tank besides dva