Hero 30 Speculation Thread

I really hope they don’t pull that ‘suprise I’m not dead!’ Stick again, it’s awful.


I really want a trader to take over Antonio’s business which would give possibly an Italian hero. Antonio is deceased but in his position, many within his network could arise and his fortunes would needs to go somewhere. He did mention that his “friends” could get him out of any trouble. :thinking:

No, but I know why you think that. You saw it on a thumbnail of a Youtube video. It was Photoshop. You’ve been jebaited.

Since they were sussing out player expectations on both of those characters, we can reasonably speculate that JQ is one of the six heroes in development along with Echo.
That’s about all that can be said, really. It doesn’t mean JQ is next or that she is for sure a tank, but it does mean that we’re very likely to get her on or before Blizzcon 2020. That being said, I’m betting on her being a tank and having a Summer 2019 debut.

As for Hero 30, I’m thinking it might be another former Overwatch member with a kit that’ll be useful for the next Archives event. Liao, Emre Sarioglu . . . maybe even Mirembe?

First I am hearing of this, can you provide a source?

I think this was the job of Vialli. After Vialli was thrown off a cliff, I would think either Doomfist or Maximilien inherited his responsibilities, both are business owners.

I’m expecting archives 2019 to shed some light into Echo, but with the skin setup and demand for it since Retribution dropped, I am expecting it to be a Talon mission, where it ties to the archives because its a mission where Talon was successful in infiltrating Overwatch. Sombra, Doomfist, Widowmaker, and a 4th member. Could be Moira, could be Max/Sanjay, could be Hamid Faisal.

Haha you got me.
I didn’t even bother to watch the video when I saw that

Its not a 100% confirmation but has a very high chance.

I always wondered, are we sure Antonio actually died ?

I mean, the guy looked buffed, and had some sort of facial implants, no ? Maybe he was strong enough to survive both the shot and landing ? I don’t want to have another “I’m back from the dead haha !” type of scenario for a new playable hero, I just want to be sure that an official source confirmed that he was indeed dead-dead. (from a dev source, not in game clues)

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If he wasn’t dead, then he wouldn’t have been replaced in Talon by Vialli and Maximilien, and they would have shown us what happened to him afterward. The devs have not officially stated that Antonio is dead, probably because they don’t feel like they need to.

The Venice Incident dossiers say he’s dead, McCree’s narration in the event says he’s dead, everything points to Antonio being dead and nothing points to him being alive.

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I honestly have hopes for Efi, because anyone who has the 2019 calendar knows she is featured twice, one with just her, no Orisa. While past arguments about her age coming into question, that relied heavily on every kill involving killing a child. If you can kill a lovable anthropomorphic hamster, children aren’t that outside of the boundries. And I honestly didn’t mean that as terrible as I could be taken. But to shore up the possibility that the devs would go younger for Efi, if handled tastefully, and I think this team knows the social ropes better than most, Africa is the child soldier place. It also fills the black female character boid that Ashe’s release stirred up recently. To be a black female character with focus on intelligence rather than strength and violence would be amazing for a lot of people.

The thing is, Overwatch’s community as a whole is not smart enough for the role she should play, which is support, but support like Sym (which failed miserably). That means crowd control probably being part of her kit, as well as strong buffs. The ability to heal or bolster shields fits her character. I would also be okay with totem style healing just so people won’t flame on her like they did Sym with the shields. She is like the only character that stopped so many deaths and was appreciated less than a good heal focused Lucio.

As an ult, I would love to see something Junktire like, only it will be a device like those rolly robots on the Death Star, the little ones. One heals AOE on activation, one buffs either damage or damage taken (or maybe another stun hahaha) , and the last explodes. If the explosive one detonates first, it’s a more devastating attack, but the effects from the other two are voided.

It’s just an idea because if the double feature. If OW isn’t ready for Efi though, I see absolutely no reason why she couldn’t do battle in the Nexus, boldly taking Orisa’s place because they would be sure to destroy her like a common machine with no respect for her aquired humanity.

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I could imagine her being only in spawn and to control omnics/swarm bots so Efi herself wont be killed. Something like Abathur in HotS

You may be onto something, as long as some out of commission state exists that prevents her from always being in play. Maybe her control station fries.

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Yes, they are. It is very much out of bounds. Killing a Hamster is just going to piss off PETA. Killing a little girl is going to piss of ESRB and get the game rated Mature. There’s reason why the youngest human is 19.


This! a spawn character feel kinda unnessary too, we have orisa representing effi out there she doesnt need to be in the game herself.


I respect and appreciate your hopes about Efi. Although, I think she will forever have the same purpose as Harold Winston. The creator. By no means whatesoever, a child should be on the battlefield, whether it is directly or indirectly. While I think that a kit and design of minions controlled by far, I seriously consider that Efi already shined by creating Orisa and her presence would just be ethically problematic.

I don’t care if I defeat Hammond, because I mostly consider that 1) He doesn’t die, in fact nobody really does. 2) We are just beating up the Wrecking Ball, not the cute little rat, then stomp hit to death afterwards.
With a child, even a teenager… Omg, could you imagine Efi charged by a Nano Reinhardt. I’m just going to hell for laughing that hard. It simply cannot happen. And even if a gameplay like the one who suggest would be cool, the main character staying at the spawn would be kind of weird and half the purpose of skins would be pointless, I feel. Not that cosmetics really matters that much, but it’s even more anecdotic in that situation. At least to me.

Efi is a straight no for me. Rather have her shown and developped more in comics, animated short, lore bits, than in game… Sorry.

Efi makes a really good prop for Orisas story there are plenty of possiblities. Imagine if talon kidnapped her and tried to get her to work on something for them. It would be interesting to see Orisas personality develop futher and efi is key to that. I’m super against her being playable though.

We have a bunch of confirmed battle ready characters waiting in the wings in the form of the Meka pilots and a bunch of grown adult characters that have heaps of potential.

What about the pilot in retribution? Judging from her voicelines, she has a lot more personality than some of the more obvious hero 30 candidates

Plus she already has fun interactions built up with the blackwatch cast.
Edit (her name is Fio!, I didn’t even know that lol)

Fio would be an interesting character to see return. She already has a VA and personality as you said. Of the miscellaneous Overwatch Agents like Mirembe and Emre, she is the one I would be interested in seeing more of the most.

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Umm Echo? Lol. I could see Echo being hero 30. It’s like Brigitte from the Reinhardt cinematic. Why would they create a 3D hero model of a character if they aren’t planning on using it in the near future. It makes sense that McCree’s cinematic was going to happen at Blizzcon since he was on the poster. Then all of a sudden Echo was at the end to finish the plot and “while creating the cinematic they fell in love with Ashe”. :thinking: It only makes sense that the story would follow along with Echo next and how she fits in with Winston. Unless it takes a drastic turn to a different direction…

They already confirmed that she will be playable but wont be Hero 30. In fact, 30 is already in playtesting.

I mean Dev’s plans change. Lol.

Edit: If I was in his position on stream and somebody asked me that question I would deflect and say “We have other heroes that are coming before her.”

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