With Ashe being a DPS that leaves the next hero to be either a tank or a support.
However, according to OW news, the principal designer Geoff Goodman stated that supports, specifically are being looked into atm.
So with that in mind any ideas who could become hero 30?
Seeing how Ashe came out of nowhere I don’t even think there’s a point to theorizing anymore.
The community guesses and is always surprised so might as well just wait it out.
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Some kind of tank/support…male one.
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Some sort of toxic sludge hero that’s basically just a blob of goo that oozes over the enemies and irradiates them. This would be the perfect hero for Overwatch.
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Likely Soon or Next
Junkerqueen, Echo
Small Possibility
Mama Hong, Lynx, Maxmillian, other MEKA squad member
Harold Winston, Emily, Jetpack Cat, Athena, Jeffbot (omnic)
Wish it was someone who gives shields like the old Symmetra…
Scourge of Numbani as a shield tank.
Doomfist is a liar, the master lives.
Already confirmed not echo.
The devs are probably trolling us. They never give us a straight answer but they are now??? Oh ok Echo is hero 30 until we see who it is.
That doesnt really make any sense. They have 0 reason to lie and if they do people will just point it out and make it into a big deal. Theres no reason to go ahead and lie, specially not in such a closed way, rather it would be an open ended statement neither confirming nor denying her existence as a hero in the first place, but they straight up said she would be added to the game however not as hero 30.
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Yea you’re right the community would not be happy at all if they lied. I still think Echo is next
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Well they did say they had 6 tanks and healers in the works as playables right now. Assuming that shes next means shell be right away, but more then likely a tank will come next meaning shed be hero 31. If its a healer then she could come after also making her 31, or a tank than it would definitely be hero 32.
So even if shes not next i doubt shell be too long after. She will almost definitely be next year, so get hyped cause we gonna have some fun!
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She’s definitely coming in 2019 
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They said they are going to create “pure heroes” now. So for a while there won’t be new hybrid heroes such as brig, moira.
Tbh, I’m hoping they are going to snatch our wigs with double release. I’d be really amazed. If not, new main tank is welcomed.
Also, I think suspecting which hero might be the new one is pointless. They are kind of creating new people rather than using ones that already exist in the lore. Brig was an exception.
Gerard survives somehow and becomes a death knight tank.
I thought it was going to be JK (I’m sure she will be a hero one day) But jeff said that the new heroes are going to be supports. so, maybe hero 30 is someone we don’t know yet and hero 31 is Echo
I just find it funny how everyone is like “Junker Queen is gonna be hero 30” When we just had a dps, no she ain’t a tank nor a support. In every single poster not once do i see her in a mech, she has weapons all around her thrown indicating she uses the weapons like displayed in the posters. She is a DPS not a tank, get that in your head. And think logically we just got a piloting mech tank why another? Not only that but we also the last tank was from Junker Town. As for being a support, just no.
If anyone is to be a tank it would be Sanjay, he is the connection Overwatch needs. There are diagrams displaying a hardlight suit, indicating it is his own. He could both provide some sort of shield like Symmetra use to as well as tank around. Perfect for what we need in this meta.