Hero 29. What would you want?

Overlord. I don’t know what he’d be doing but he’s adorable and I love his mech and I want him in OW :ok_hand:

Maybe his drones could work like Zen’s orbs except they give people temporary sheilds or CC immunity or something. And I hope they could work in a way to have him mostly airborn.

As much as I’d love to see new heroes, I think that if they started adding too many at a time it could become a balance nightmare. Balance changes are pretty slow as is…

He is fun but he is not a main tank.

But flasbang is a stun…

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I’ve always been interested in a support character who has a radar ability - they activate a pulse in order to see enemy locations. This would not only be effective on flankers - such as the infinite invisibility of Sombra - but also encourage communication between teammates and be an effective learning tool as to how particular heroes work.

And for an ultimate, though I could easily understand how this wouldn’t be added, you could be able to give your ultimate to another player for a certain period of time.

So for example, you get your ult and it’s only yourself and Reaper alive on point. You give your ult to the Reaper and then he gets his ultimate to use.

It could easily become overpowered but you could have it so they have to be a certain distance - so they have to be close. You couldn’t give it to them from across the map.

Just a little idea ^^

A tank with junkrats passive, but with healing grenades

Double Release, one DPS one Healer. Both hitscan. That’s it.

An LMG-wielding Austrian hero who sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Ah! you guys are talking about Cornelius the koi-boy

And his ultimate is called predator

junker queen

Something like a flying Brigitte who can shoot rockets and place large brick walls and turrets.

Need a hero that deals with the elements.And i have this hero.


Captain planet is our hero!

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thats 1 vote for the captain!

To the people suggesting they add a non healing support. You need to realise that when Symmetra was a ‘Support’ hero people thought of her as a troll pick, or there just wasn’t a place for her in any comp. That’s why she has moved, along with there only being 3 role types now. If you have a support that doesn’t heal, there is no place for them in a comp. Simple. Why would you have a support that doesn’t heal over a DPS?

It would just be considered a troll pick again.

That depends on how strong is the non healing supportive abilities. Is teleport were faster and more frequent, i wouldnt mind having symm as support.

Imagin lucio with 2 areas, the speed area and a fortify area. No healing. That would be a strong support, if fortify is really syrong

It’s the mindset of the community. They should just rename Support to Healers because if they don’t heal, they will never be picked over a DPS.

I would love another healer actually, which relies more on game sense and decision making than aiming.
Someone who is very positive, and has great morals.
Maybe a color palette, like light green and white. Slim character model, very aesthetically pleasing in their physical prowess.
Impactful ult.
Maybe they can fade in and out multiple times in battle. And can use mobility on their own to travel vertically and get to ledges.
But she only has slight offensive combat abilities, comparable to Lucio’s damage or Mercy’s damage boost. This hero will primarily be another main healer.

Or for the damage category, I would love to see a DPS based on deception, illusion and mind games. Someone who also relies more on game sense and decision making, not aiming.
Let’s say as a name placeholder, this hero’s name is Grey.

Maybe Grey is a melee only DPS, that can shapeshift into an enemy player, a hero of their choosing even though the enemy player isn’t playing them at the time. Maybe when Grey shapeshifts, Grey cannot use the abilities of the hero they shapeshifted to but can use left/right click as the hero. Also, maybe the team Grey is in can damage Grey when Grey is pretending to be an enemy, to help keep the shapeshift aspect more realistic and keep the enemy on their toes.

In addition, Grey can create a decoy, another ally, that is a Medium difficulty A.I which can’t be active for the entire game, only maybe for 15s - 25s but acts more realistic and closer to a human players. The enemy will see this decoy as just a normal hero in the scoreboard (Tab). They will never know if Grey is picked as Grey will never ever appear in the scoreboard. Grey will only appear as the decoy hero that they choose that Grey can change multiple times throughout the game with a cooldown of course.

Once Grey is close enough to an enemy, Grey can use their abilities to try to assasinate their target in close range. Using abilities to kill will take off the Grey’s diguise, revealing who the actual hero is, Grey. With Grey’s kit built around targetting lower hp heroes, 200 and below and make it not very worth to target tanks. Of course, this would need to have lots of counterplay oppurtunities to be fun to play against.
And maybe when Grey successfully completes the assassination they get a stronger escape ability, like how Genij gets another Shift when he completes a kill.
Or if Grey fails the assasination, Grey gains a medium escape ability to disengage, kinda like flankers like Genji or Tracer can shift out. Sombra and Reaper can E out, to escape.

I believe this will be so cool and will always make Overwatch very highly tense. Mind games and deception are always fun.
You will never know if your ally is really your ally. Maybe you wave hello to your ally, and they wave back, not knowing if it was actually Grey as they say group up, making you walk towards them.
And when the enemy finds out that Grey is on the other team, it will make them split up a bit, disruption of team formation really, like Tracer’s role.

If you notice, when Sombra talks to Overwatch heroes like Tracer or Mcree, she has a very playful vibe because Sombra knows herself has a lot of power. Maybe Grey will be like Sombra’s nemesis, or a long enemy who Sombra has an actual fear towards. This would make sense as Grey and Sombra are both disruptor, spies, and infiltrators.

it better be a g o d d a m n main healer or main tank or I’m gonna lose it.