Hero 29. What would you want?

I want a low mobility (no dive plz) healing main tank that’s anti-CC. It would be like Soldier where the heals aren’t the focus but it can help out in a pinch

A male support techno wizard.

Throws out AOE buffs or debuffs. Think Mei ult combined with moira orb choice. Inside the AOE either make allies unstunable for 6-8 seconds, or decrease movement speed for enemies and remove armor.

He would have a self-preservation spell kind of like Gandalf on the bridge which would expand and knockback enemies. The larger the enemy the more they fly back, if they hit a wall they would take damage.

His ult would temporarily remove any one player from a fight for however long he chooses, to either gain an advantage by removing an enemy or protecting a teammate for up to 12 seconds. Like a void spell.

His primary fire would be like a mini coalescence beam proceeding from a staff. Either dealing 55 dps or 60 healing.

I think that would be pretty cool.

Zarya 2

I really hope they don’t add more anti-CC abilities… Please no.

Aim-skill based hero like McCree or Widow.

Use this to get rid of doomfist ulting

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Flame-hero like firefly.

so you want mercy back to the way she was 2 nerfs ago


lol yes

But I’d also love a new main healer with a design similar to Moira and Mercy’s (magical-esque kit)

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I want a hero that can bluescreen smurfs.

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Blizzard needs to add several heroes at once instead of just one every 4 months. This game won’t survive

Pre-rework Mercy as a new hero. Please.

Some dps that is very balanced around taking and dealing damage. I’d like to see a gravity modifier ability of some sort, think it’d be cool.

Here’s a quick brainstorm of a Utility-focused DPS that sounds fun.

  • Short burst flying along the lines of DVA.
  • Medium-range cone-shaped flamethrower, low-ish direct damage, higher damage against armor. setting enemy on fire (maintaining fire on them for a second or two) causes damage over time and increases damage done against them by others.
  • Alt-fire is short range burst of flame that pushes self back and enemies away (low-moderate damage)
  • Tar grenade (moderate cooldown, long range) to slow enemies in small area for short time, can be set on fire to cause small amount of area damage at cost of shorter duration.
  • Ultimate creates oversized version of alt-fire with large radius that sets everyone in range on fire, boops them away, and creates a lingering smokescreen enemies can’t see through at range without using abilities that grant visibility.

This is what I want and think it would be a really cool talon villain :blush:

A trickster type villain that uses a needle and thread

D.mon, junkerqueen, Sombra’d sister or another sniper who is as skilled as widow.

A hero that throws out targeted temporary shields such as Symmetra’s old ability. Mama Hong would be great!

Anything that is not based on CC

I want Maximilien. Dude looks cool as heck, his kit can be blood / shadow themed

I would like to see a necromancer type hero or something like that, that is a support with very little dmg but almost all of there dmg and utility comes from the things that they summon. They would be good at long fight because the longer the fight goes the stronger she and her minions become. Her ult could be ‘graveyard’ which summons like 10 minions in like 20 sec or something like that.