Hero 29 theories?

I want the whole MEKA squad to be in the game, even if its under a year time span.

Junkertown Queen would be eh and Maxmillian seems bland

So you won’t argue me on Maximillien then? xD

I’m thinking of designing a hero kit concept for Leonora :slight_smile: any ideas / want to help?

I see her being a support/tank hybrid playing with structures that she can alter or floating Omnic cubes that she can position, move around & make interact with each other. Maybe magnetic fields?

Anything from your homeland that would fit in that respect? :slight_smile:

I want the Junker Queen! Though they put an unusual amount of detail into D.Mon during the D.VA short, so it’ll probably be her. Not complaining though, she’s cute, her mech looks awesome, and her body language during the short sets up a potential Talon story for her I feel (and Talon needs a tank). I would be here for it!

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I would want it to be Lynx-17 or Overlord. Who knows, it could be Barack Obama.

If such interests you :smiley:

Such does, in fact I have also made my own concept for him. Yours if interesting as well.

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Ah nice :slight_smile: on here anywhere for me to look?
Any particular thoughts on mine?

I really like the Scramble ultimate and the Nano Bots.

Heres my Lynx-17 idea: Lynx-17 hero ideas

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I like the dagger & the passive is really simple but interesting & different :slight_smile:
Omnics onward! Naisu!

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They only asked if she should be a tank or a dps. This means they hadn’t even started developing her back then. I don’t think it will be her.

Initially i thoght her as a Support that can heal SHIELD too.
Because of being a restorer, i think that the ability of healing shields is pretty strange, but good for her character. Example: Rein shield 100 hp -> Healing shield-> rein shield is now max hp. She could only heal shields like Bubble Zarya, rein shield, winston shield, orisa shield. Not shields like Zenyatta has or Symmetra (No shields that are replacing HP, in sum).

I also thought her with a passive maybe that can help her to position: like for example, the “block on wall” like Assassin in Uprising event.

Magnetic fields are a good propose. I could see her with magnetic fields. Probably an ability that make her high jump (like pharah rocket), but she has her legs permit her to comes down (like wreking ball). This “Comes down like WB” was thought before WB release.

In general i tought for her a DOUBLE WEAPON: a spear that has double face: spear and gun. So she can combat meelee and also at the distance.

Her ultimate changes for this: if she has her weapon as spear, she can maybe do a lap forward, piercing all enemies she encounters.
If she has her weapon as gun, probably she can shoot a BIG EXPLOSION that impact with walls/enemies/ground making damage.

We are going to see either another Main Healer that’s going to have consistent healing power similar to Mercy. Or we are going to see another Main Tank.

What would be pretty cool is if we had a Main Support and a Main Tank at the same time kinda like a duo hero similar to “Xayah and Rakan” both that have synergy with each other but can be played on their own.

The healing shields idea is lovely :slight_smile: as a support she should probably heal normally in some way though?

I think the spear-gun thing is going to be for Junker Queen if anyone, there’s already a spear with an exhaust on it resting against her throne or at least on Junkertown somewhere :smiley:

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Ehh i still think it will be her. Shed be cool

I think we’re going to see another tank, or at least I hope it’s another tank, but I think the Junker Queen makes sense as the next hero since she’d be only the third true Junker (Hammond doesn’t count according to the devs), she’s been mentioned/shown a lot more often than any other current lore character, and she’s so important to the Junker-related lore that imo it feels like keeping her as a lore only character would be like having Reaper or S76 as a lore only character.

Of course, also if i don’t know how. For that i think she could be a damage hero also if she heals shield.
For healing i don’t have idea sadly, because nothing in her design i thought make me things about healing. Maybe her Ultimate when explodes can also healing, but it is quite forced.
Moved from Support to Damage because i don’t know how put healing for her. When Symmetra changed her role from support to damage, changed everything, bringing a Support to heal necessary

I think that is a hook like roadhog, and probably She will be the “flamethrower” hero many wants. But who knows for now

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The Spear-gun could well be a flamethrower with the design that’s on JTown :slight_smile:
Why would she have the exact same move as Roadhog’s iconic move though?

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I don’t know. If it depended to me, JunkerQueen couldn’t be a hero. She would be the THIRD australian hero, against countries that hasn’t a hero o neither a map.
Anyway, in this image:
I find that her weapon is like a mace or a Hook. For that i think that it could be a hook.
That doesn’t seem a flamethrower. Probably her mace/hook could be like her second weapon like roadhog. I don’t know.

I can’t think that like not a hook or mace.

It’s not really about being Australian, it’s about the Junkers & their philosophy & establishment as a faction that requires Junker Queen to really further the anti-Omnic side of things in the world. She could also not be originally from Australia & has ended up there somehow but considers herself & is considered by JunkerTown to be a native Junker now?

That image definitely suggests something like a hook or axe certainly, but that’s no reason to think that another Aussie will have the same hook ability; that’d be a bit much then.
That’s also not the weapon I was on about though, the one I was referring to could not even be hers; or it is & she uses a variety of weapons - hook axe & flamethrower spear!

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