đź›° Hero 29 is One WEEK Away: Currently the Best Guess till a new hint is blessed (Sanjay)

Other likely heroes can be found on

Master Ian Gamer

channel. But this is the best “Logical” choice, then a “hyped” one. Live long and prosper people.


The “suit” he’s referring to as shown in Moira’s origin trailer isn’t a hero, it’s the Talon Trooper from Retribution. So it was a teaser for that, not a new hero.


Honestly I thought this at one point too, but the suit is actual shaped a little different then anything we see from Archive.

Compare yourself.

Plus were not hackers able to play with versions of these “heroes” live a few months ago.

Meaning the code for this kind of hero sort of exist at one point. (Maybe closer to Sanjay with a little reworking.) Plus hey Sym’s rework could of been done last summer for this reason.

If its Sanjay then i could imagine him as an anchor tank. Mini reactor-propelled hard light exosuit. But how could that work? Much HP and more shield? And the barrier as well? Whatever is their choice, i wanna be surprised in BlizzCon with the new content and updates :slight_smile:


I believe he says it in the video, Basically Sym’s old Shield Generator, but when you kill someone that isn’t Sanjay, every one else gets their shields.

But who know, it could be more around Sym’s Summonable Barrier or both.

Or Something completely new, we wont know until Blizz con or the next hint whenever that is.

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Bring back Shiiiiield Generator!


Techically I think shield generator would be Sanjay himself… but yeah, who knows. Cough, Cough, Cough

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Has there actually been any confirmation on a new hero at Blizzcon yet? Or is this empty hype?

There has always been a new hero in Blizzcon.

They specified there would be no map, unlike in every Blizzcon before. So if they’re gonna also not give us a hero, I’m sure they’d let us know too.


So to answer my question, no, but the trend for two years leads everyone to believe one idea. Okay, thank you for confirming my suspicions.

Jeez there is no talking to some people

How is Sanjay even a valid name when the thing looks like the main part of a Meka and it’s been transported by a US train and attempted to be stolen from a mexican/texan gang?

How is Alexarius a vaild(nevermind)… jeez people so judging. Why not actually look at the vid.


20 characters


Again he has made a vid on that hero. (I think see like the 2nd most likely.) (Highlight most requested, not most likely.)

I thought of a hero concept that includes Sanjay in their lore:

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Lets try to stick to the source material the hero is very likely someone we already know.

Unless Blizzard wants to give us a cough hint cough. (actual coughed in real life typing this)

The answer to both of your questions is no.

Blizzard has never, not once, confirmed ahead of time when a hero will be revealed. They like to do teasers and hints, but they never come out and say “we’re revealing the new hero X weeks from now!” This isn’t something we should ever expect to happen.

However, what they have done is establish a clear pattern. Every post-launch hero has had a live release in July, November, and March, with the teasers and reveal/PTR release happening a couple weeks prior each time. I think they’re well-aware that breaking this pattern would be jarring at this point, even if they don’t blatantly talk about the pattern itself.

So, no, the hype is not empty. We all have a damn good reason for expecting a hero reveal at Blizzcon.

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actually there should be a teaser on Monday but if I recall correctly the hero of November has never got previews or teases. They just throw them on Blizzcon

Not giving views to a video talking about something that has 0 sense and in which the main guy is some1 I hate (Sanjay can go rot in the “sidekick hell”).

The only thing that might be connected to him is the color pattern of the thing which resembles Symmetra’s focus on light blue and white. That’s all. Other than that is so thin that it can’t even be called a Speculation.

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