Hero 27 - Bridgitte, JP cat or Sven?

Anyone remember Sven from Torb’s Destroyer comic? He was part of the Ironclad guild as well if I remember correctly. Do you guys think he’s a possibility and that he possibly had the weapon/shield made by Bridgitte for him?

I feel like I can’t tell which of the three characters it might be, what do you guys think?

We all know the answer already, JP cat confirmed!

I thought theres a chance its sven as well, but then we saw torbjorn’s cat.


Pretty sure it’s mama hong


I genuinely don’t want it to be Bridgette. Don’t know why, but I don’t. Jet Pack cat, however, would be greatly appreciated.


What if hero 27 is the friends we made along the way

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tbh I wouldn’t mind if it was Bridgitte, but I’m lowkey hoping for Jet Pack Cat too lol.