Here's how you climb

Good job, because it’s true. I rose out of high silver and low gold when I hunkered down and actually studied how to play Tracer, and calibrated my setting and played with her until it felt natural. I now have about a 60% win rate with her and I’ve climbed as high as mid Plat. The great thing is when you really focus on improving and one character, you get a lot less salty about team mates because you aren’t so fixated on what they are or are not doing.

Would you share a vod with me? I mained ana a while back!

Also if you want I can carry you so you don’t have to play in silver anymore.

my way of putting it is. you dont want to be too spread on what your practicing

like if your a dps main, dont try to master 2 projectiles 3 tracking hitscans and 1 flick hitscan.

pick a hero pool that fits how much you play (and actually isnt trash). if your playing 10 hours a day, that varied hero pool is no problem. but if you playing 1-2 hours sticking to one aim style is better.

being flexable means you have too break that rule. so the more you play, the more flexable you can be.

when doing this, not only does your aim improve very quickly but you learn how to survive and thrive in more senario’s when you play fewer heros. when i want to climb, i 1 trick heroes. if i dont care, i play a large hero pool for luls

Yeah I can post one for ya. I’ll record a new one though since it’s been awhile since I recorded. I generally average about 65% scoped/unscoped. About 10-15 elims. About 5-10 sleeps. And 9-12k heals per game. I still lose 1 for every 3 games, or sometimes lose 2 out of 3. Thus been floating around 1700SR for a looooong time now.

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thsi sis so dumbe. i always get hackr and smurfs in mty games and blizard never ban them . they need to man up and ban alkl of them sos i can pleay

Unless you’re a well established hero main, probably have to be GM, anybody can take your ONE good hero from you.

Your mate won’t switch off Genji for you down at bronze or gold even if you’re the better genji but prtobably will at GM. Thats why I do not want to go into one tricking. I’ll lose touch with the other heroes I play if I one trick at my level.
I’d rather be a jack of all trades master of none.

Unlike you, I did it the opposite way, jack of all trades. Learning at least 2 to 3 mains on each role, and doing them pretty well. So that I can flex to carry as much as possible. I’ll keep doing it until I find an elo that actually coordinates. That said, if you step in any of my boop maps be ready for a suprise with my 130+ hours on lucio

I climbed into Fortnite! It’s way more fun.

Ehhh… That’s scrub mentality.
If you want to climb use EVERY advantage you can. Hero is op/broken? Main it!!!

Ofc there’s nothing wrong with playing a sub par hero, but you aren’t playing to win (unless you are better at your main than said op hero).

Check meta reports, and pick and S tier hero for easier climbing.

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Not even remotely accurate
Counters simply existing on the enemy =/= Who they are suppose to counter being countered

Well, being counted doesn’t always mean a loss but my point was that if you dedicate all of your resources to learn one hero, you’re going to be at a big disadvantage when someone else picks the hero before you or you get countered.

If you ONLY play Junkrat, you’re going to have a harder time climbing than if you also knew how to play mccree when the enemy team plays Pharah unless you get REALLY proficient at taking Pharah out as junkrat but you’ll never be as efficient as a competent mccree is. I play a ton of tracer and can one clip Pharah out of the sky but it still takes longer to set up that position, dodge enemy fire, possibly have to recall and try again, than if I just 3 tap her from just about anywhere on the map as mccree.

Did you miss the part where I said it’s good to compliment the ability to flex with a main?

Did you miss the part where I wasn’t replying to you, but to aerocrypt?

Gitting gud is still comes second to ‘abuse FOTM heroes’.

No, I caught that. You were addressing the point I made, in a discussion with someone else, disregarding that I said it is good to be able to flex.

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climbed 100 and played at night time and then lost120, big tip: don’t play at night time. people give less of a crap at night time

There is no set way. I started from silver when I first played the game and I climbed being able to play almost any hero besides snipers (being hanzo and widow, I can play ana at my level, the other two would be low to mid gold). There are however, some pretty bad ways. Dumping all your hours into one thing and turning yourself into a one trick is a pretty bad way to go about it. Sure, you might become decent at it and even climb. But the moment you then decide to play anything else, you’re going to be playing at your old, much lower level.

Essentially it turns into hey ya, you climbed, but there isn’t 29 heroes in the game now, there is 1, and he’s a burden on most of the teams he’s on.

I would love to 1 v 6 regularly and tell my teammates “Enjoy the carry” till top 500…opps never happening

Team work means teamwork bro :slight_smile:

That is a big problem with comp. No one is really forced to work as a team. I don’t know why, but the prospect of winning isn’t enough to make some people actually give a flip. It’s so frustrating that people like that have such a heavy influence on your SR.

It actually is your teamates making you loose if you have another account in high daimond and one in masters and your having a grind getting out of plat. Its a team based game so its part your fault always but some times it can be your teammates dont get that wrong. Its best for some people to take the whole responcibility on them selfs. Saying its allways 100% your fault is incorrect. Its impossible to carry 5 other people all the time. Even boosters stack to boost.