Here's how you climb

yeah I learn that people are totally dead weight and I would be much better off with a team full of 6 me’s. sadly that just cant be.


shhhh… don’t give away all our secrets! Quickly post 100 new threads about forced 50/50, hidden MMR and forced losses so we can push this thread down a page or two!


Threshold rating ranges are always a real pain. 1800 SR is notorious for insane skill variance I know I have been there a few times.

Key things to remember when playing ranked

Dont keep playing during a losing streak don’t fall for gamblers fallacy. You lose 3 in a row STOP period. I dont care how close the games are.

Dont que weekends if you can help it mondays are just as bad.

Learn 1 hero for each role. Also if you are in a silver game and you already have 2 players on your team playing difficult heroes dont pick a third hard to play hero. Keep it simple stupid.

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  • Press the TAB BUTTON AT ALL TIMES almost every 20sec to see kills and stats. andSee IF U PERFORM WELL (golden medals)
  • If not change hero ON SAME CATEGORY , I guarantee the next support e.g. is going to be better fitted. (no need to learn counter heroes just do that)
  • The sound effects of each HERO make u believe u play like GOD ( e.g. Orisas gun) when in fact u may have 0 kills for 3minutes. SO CHECK YOUR STATS always
  • I also closed the music volume , why should I get agitated by soundtracks when in fact I need to keep cool ( ALL PROS HAVE MUSIC TO 0)

PS Of course learning counter heroes , and witch hero goes with who, helps. If u have 2 dive tanks Dva and Winston and flankers u need ZEN.


Please disregard this. This guy has NO IDEA what he’s talking about (sorry to be that guy silentz).
I have less hours than him on ana but I’m pretty confident I can play her quite better than him.
You can totally carry as ana, she’s one of (if not the) supports with the most impact.

Edit: but HIT YOUR SHOTS. if you have under 70% accuracy practice more.


I’ve been playing the game since it was in BETA a couple years ago. Still love it.

Former ana main here. If you want coaching I’d be happy to help you, it’s really easy to get out of silver but ana REQUIRES (and I mean it) good mechanics. She’s probably in the top3 hardest heroes.

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Listen to tell u the truth play what u like

  But IF U WANT TO BEAT THIS MISERABLE SYSTEM take into acc these factors. 
  • you play against the SECRET MATCH MAKER RATING SYSTEM aka MMR. Huge topic for me to type . If u like search here WHAT IS MMR? and open the MEGA THREAD
  • To get to 2300 SR with is a “SAFE ZONE” for normal OW better play a SELF SUSTAINED hero (May , Hog , Zen , etc)
  • If u insist in Ana check out the ML videos in u tube , u will be amazed that the NANO GRANADE is TO KILL not to self heal. U need to play also offensive

Bare in mind u have chosen a TRIPLE A hard hero to play and if u don’t have TANKS Ana is almost obsolete.

HERE IS ANOTHER TIP FROM PROS WHEN U HAVE IDIOTS IN YOUR TEAM AND THEY ARE 5 DPS pick up Zen. U will still loose BUT your stats will favour u on the next MATCH MAKING ( MMR )

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Thanks for the adivce :slight_smile:
I do love playing Zen too. Just working really hard on my Ana atm.
To be honest, I don’t care about climbing. I care about doing my best, improving, and learning as much as I can about my favorite hero.

I heard Brig is broken so I used her and almost climb out of silver in one night. But I don’t want to play the game that way.

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PLS PLAY THE GAME EXACTLY LIKE THAT till u escape Silver / low Gold
U will enjoy the game more as u are going to synergise with teammates.
AT THE MOMENT u play with Newbies and Very Experienced players that TEST NEW HEROES on alt acc.

THEREFORE THE WINNING/LOOSING streaks AND THE ROLL OVERS that u cannot spawn out the door

Here is the Mega thread u need to read

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Thanks for all the advice. I find it sad that the lower ranks are abused by experienced players smurfing with new characters. I don’t want to game the system, I’d rather focus on learning Ana very well and just enjoy myself and improve with each win/loss.

I’ll take this into consideration if things get really bad. I had some TERRIBLE games today and have lost about 200 SR in the last two days lol

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Lol told you. You do not playing any worse and still can loose 200-300SR simply due to who you get teamed with. The MM system will put you in games that are nearly impossible to win as Ana as you start climbing. Which wil boot you back down.

If you think you’ll get out of your elo with Ana… go ahead keep trying. Waste your time lol. We’ll probably be playing together for awhile in Silver :slight_smile:.

If you actually want to climb, pick a hero that is more self sufficient, climb, switch back to Ana then enjoy the competent but stupidly arrogant players that come with plat.

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Just because I had a bad run today doesn’t mean you are right. I can tell you have an incredibly negative mindset, so I can’t really take your advice that seriously.

I don’t hold others accountable for my losses, I always choose to look at what I could have done better to help get the win. Regardless of whether or not I climb, I will improve at my favorite character with every game.

Self-improvement is NEVER a waste of time. Grinding with a broken character (brig) just to climb and then plateau without any true, hard earned skill is a waste of time.

I think you’re confusing being a realist as negativity… look, I am trolling your post here because I have personally wasted tons of hrs one tricking… and it is not how you climb in my opinion. You probably had a great run then ran on these forums and posted about it. Only reason I’ve maintained my SR (as opposed to dropping into bronze as I almost did) is by flexing in my role (aka learning every healer to a skilled degree).

I agree. Your positivity and hope is the type of attitude that you’ll need to get to GM. I don’t act toxic when I play and I am an enjoyable teammate. I actually think you’ve friend requested me or we played LFG together; I remember flexing over to Mercy so you could Ana since you asked nicely over comms.

I am just a jaded, frustrated Ana one trick who hasn’t seen a rank upgrade despite mechanically getting MUCH better. I remember around season 7 (after her 70dmg buff) I was getting like 40% scoped/unscoped accuracy, couldn’t hit a sleep on tracer… etc. Now, I get like 85% unscoped / 75% scoped every game, hit my sleeps on flankers and even combo them yet still at the same SR. Why? Those games you nano a genji and see nothing in the kill feed. Or nade a grav and the enemy Mercy walks out of it unscathed… I’ve seen too many of them…

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I am also a realist. I understand that drops are going to happen and often aren’t completely in my control. I choose to take ownership though instead of pass blame. That will certainly make me a better player faster, which will lead to more wins.

The reason I’m finding you to be so negative is because you talked about how it’s a complete waste of time to not take advantage of the broken characters and then you went on to call platinum and above players arrogant.

With that in mind, there is no good spot in this game for you and it seems like you get no enjoyment out of it whatsoever other than winning. Perhaps I’m wrong about you, but we simply have two different mindsets in how to approach this subject.

I only get enjoyment from playing Ana. Not winning. Not losing. Not SR or rank. OW can be a series of Ana paintball minigames and I’d still grind playing it.

My attitude has gone sour from playing in low elo for so long, despite improving and having recorded VoDs proving it. The trickling, the toxicity, the mechanical mistakes, the bad positioning, wasted ults, etc… the game sense IQ gap is huge.

When you see yourself improve but do not see the same from the players you play with/against… it gets frustrating. Always blaming yourself isn’t a good mindset either. You might put yourself in a self-reliant positioning instead of a good position that relies on trusting your healer. Etc.

Not blaming myself. Being a friend to myself and asking myself what I could have done better. There is always something I could have done better (even when I win). Blaming anyone including myself is only going to have a detrimental affect and not help the situation. You have lost all hope in the matchmaking and competitive, so I suggest you continue doing what you are doing. You seem to really enjoy playing Ana and are improving a lot, so make that your sole focus and forget about MMR.

Literally the only reason I want to climb is because many of my friends are in plat and I can’t play with them because of the 1000sr gap. That’s it.

Ignore the smurfs, once you get into Gold you will start to learn to deal with them. For now, just pretend they are deadly spiders that could be lurking around any corner…Happy Halloween!

So right now, in terms of your competitiveness, you need to stabilize in Silver. You likely fell into a tilt, am I right? Look at it this way: you’ve learned the mechanics and game-sense required to play in Silver, but you still revert back to old Bronze habits. This is perfectly normal any time that you learn new skills, and it requires additional experience and self-reflection to overcome. Having a coach to offer immediate feedback and constructive criticism would be very helpful.

Edit: Additionally, if you are really good enough, the system will keep you in Silver. I’ve dipped into Silver twice this season and the system popped me right back into Gold both times. You’ll recognize the pattern of the ranking system as you ebb & flow up or down the ladder.

I’ve actually been all the way up to Plat before but I didn’t have the emotional stability with the game to maintain it and I played drunk/stoned a lot and lost over 1500 SR in a couple weeks.

Not proud of it, but honesty is the only way you better yourself.

this is the sad thing about Overwatch