Here is how leaver penalties shud work

select a server (e.g. ord1)

if not selected server, u r free 2 leave 4 free.
no penalties

bcuz most ppl dont want to play at 280ms lag.
it’s not fun it’s not competive.

if u host us wrong, we leave and go next.

nothing but lax1 hosting for ord1 players (me and my m8s, all diff isps/routing). it’s 100% ur cost saving hosting.

pls explain how in literally every game mode (even casuaal arcade)
we don’t get to play from closest known datacenter.

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i know on Smite they let you select NA East, NA West and not just “NA.” slick features. sad that blizz is still in the Stone Age tho.

Details here:

In your case, Outside, I believe you mentioned your skill tier is in Bronze, which is a very low populated skill tier. So you are going to have more increased instances of playing in more distant datacenter locations in order to gather enough players in a general region to get a match going.

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Sharing the same feeling, with 14ms…
It’s like I’m connected to the most close datacenter, but still playing on an other continent.

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Let me get this straight, the in-game latency reports 14 milliseconds, but you feel like you are lagging a lot? That doesn’t sound like a connection issue, but a input response issue with your system.

can you please talk normally this gave me a headache trying to decipher this

Maybe you’re right, I need to check my SIM, I thought it was stable too.

First I couldn’t login, now i got 520ms :confused:

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Carefully review the NetGraph to exactly figure out any specific issue.

  1. Start a game of Overwatch (Quick Play, custom game, etc.)
  2. Open the NetGraph by pressing Ctrl + Shift + N
  3. Monitor the NetGraph as you play, if you see large Orange blocks scroll along the graphs, that is a connection issue, if many white blocks scroll by there is an input performance issue. (Note it is common and normal to see tiny specs of either blocks or large ones when a map loads up at the start of a match, so ignore those).

On the NetGraph you can also check the direct PING, RTT, and IND stats which can help point to possible connection issues that the normal LATENCY stat doesn’t report on. Your SIM rate to determine input/output performance will also be displayed there.

This is your current latency in game? Did you search for a match or just jump straight into the training range?

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This was from the training area, it was normal before i posted my first message.

Meanwhile I did take a look at my SIM value, it was 5 with sometimes a jump to 8 max

Okay so what most likely happened here is that you immediately logged on and without waiting jumped into the training range. This often will put you on a more distant server because the game client hasn’t had the chance to ping all available datacenters to figure out which ones are the best ones to connect to. This problem really doesn’t come up in matchmaking games because the search queue has to get the ping test before it starts to put you in a match. Waiting 30 seconds before clicking Training Range from the time the game first loads often avoids this issue.

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Luckily this high delay was a one time issue :slight_smile:

My lag problem, seems having to do with my “Nvidia fast-sync” setting, games are much better when I switch this from “ultra” to “Use the 3D application setting”.

i see your point here.

But i’m bronze in some gamemodes/accounts and not bronze in others.
In casual modes i have better success with ord1.
In comp during the hours i play they ship to lax1.
it def seems like a lowpop issue. they’re just routing every1 to lax1 datacentre bcuz it’s not worth keeping ord1 spunup for 30 ppl or w/e.

there is noticeably more lag in the training range, despite it saying ord1.
i’ve never understood that. same server group, but 20ms more and what feels like extremely sluggish packets with loss etc. like is it just really poopy servers or do they fake label the hosting/lag now, citing and showing only the last hop (ord1) from some kind of reroute to lax1.

either way it doesn’t feel clean.
i’ve been reported (falsely) for throwing games bcuz i’m on the wrong server, dealing with 180ms lag instead of 42ms. ofc bronze gameplay is going to look like throwing when they lag us out across 1/2 the continent.