Hi, sorry in advance if this is an obvious fix, I have 0 coding experience.
But, I’m working on some hud text and I can’t seem to get it to appear only once, every time I run the game the text appears like 5 times across the screen. I’ve tried making a condition that is only ever true once but it still doesn’t work.
Also, with the progress bar, how would I get it to fill up as someone presses a button?
Progress Bars are ‘based’ on 100. (as in 100%). So to get the Progress Bar to fill up, have it set to a variable. Then, create a condition:
IF is Button Pressed (whatever button)
Chase (specified variable) to 100.
Note: don’t forget to Stop Chasing Variable once it has reached 100 OR, depending on your intentions, the “button” isn’t being Pressed/Held. & set the Variable back to 0, if the intention is to be able to ‘fill up’ the progress bar again. Can’t chase to 100, if you’re already at 100.
As for the HUD text, not sure what you’re asking. You want the HUD to appear ONLY ONCE? At one specific instance, then never appear again?
Or you want only ONE HUD to appear? And stay throughout the entire game?
Assuming the ladder, the reason you may be getting multiple HUDs created, make sure the RULE that creates the HUD, isn’t being triggered again at some point, & thus is creating an additional HUD.
The RULE you’re using to Create the HUD, is inside an Ongoing Each Player rules. & thus, Each player that joins the game, is running That rule, so the HUD is duplicated / player in the game.
^ 2 easy fixes for that ^
1, change the Rule to an Ongoing Globel rule. The rule will run once at the start of the game, thus only 1 HUD is created.
Note: you can’t use Event Player anywhere inside an Ongoing Globel rule. So IF the HUD is displaying values specific to each user, swap Event Player for Local Player.
2, Simply create a condition that check if the Entity Exists &or set a variable to the Last Text ID immediately after the HUD creation. & IF either are True, skip the Create HUD action.