Help me solve the mysteries of Petra! Hero 28 hinted?

Hello there!
I love Overwatch, and even more than I love the game, I love the lore. Naturally, with a new map comes new lore! After searching around in Petra, I came across a few key points of interest in the map: a laptop, a tablet, and a company logo. I’ll upload a picture of each and type out what it says.


Tablet Text

…started excavation of the hidden treasure chamber from our recent imaging survey. If there was another method of access in the past, we have not yet discovered it.

Thank you for your continued funding of our Petra exploration, ongoing work in Ilios, and the new project in Thailand. Dr. Nachareon is eager to begin! With so many sites under threat, your contributions make it possible for us to continue this important work.


In summary, it appears an archaeologist named H. Faisal is talking to an unknown funder of their company’s work. Faisal says they have found a treasure chamber, which is shown in the map, and thanks the unknown person for funding projects in Ilios, Petra, and Thailand.

I wonder if the “threats” have any relation to the Talon activity previously mentioned in Ilios…


Laptop Text

Survey of the uppermost levels of the temple is almost complete, planning for excavation of the lower chambers. Our greatest finds so far are the statues of Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, and we are hopeful they will be the first of many.

Ioannidis - 10:22 AM

Early imaging pass revealed a hidden chamber, Al-Hamdan believes that it might be a significant find, and we have found a narrow opening through which we can perform further excavation.

Faisal - 10:37 AM

So now we learn that the team has explored most of the upper part of the temple and found statues of various Greek goddesses. We’re introduced to two new names, Ioannidis and Al-Hamdan, along with the return of Faisal who I assume is spearheading the expeditions.


This logo appears on almost everything related to the excavation team at Petra. It’s likely the logo of their organization, which appears to have projects in Petra, Ilios, and Thailand, presumably Ayutthaya. However, I did a brief scan of Ilios Ruins and Ayutthaya and came across nothing seeming to be related to this logo or company.

Something interesting I did notice was on Petra, sometimes this logo was accompanied by a name or word below it. Every time, it either said Hamid or Blaise. I believe them to be names, and I would say I believe Hamid is H. Faisal’s first name.

What can we assume?
It seems like Petra has introduced a new organization, which we still don’t know the name, along with a few new names to toss around. I don’t think it’s a stretch to assume hero 28 could be one of these people, likely Hamid Faisal. That is a male Arabic name to my knowledge, which people have asked to not have another new female hero AND I’ve seen people wanting Middle Eastern heroes.

I would say they are a good organization, and I would say they are against the Talon action going on in Ilios. I’m excited to see if these names will come up more often in the lore.

What can we do besides wait?
I think it would be cool if we could get a bunch of people to start searching every corner of every map for more lore hints. I love the story Petra has given us already and I want to see more. I would say if you’re interested take a look at Ilios and Ayutthaya, both maps don’t have heroes or lore related to them really. I think hero 28 likely is related to one of these maps discussed in my post.

I’m really excited to see more lore coming, and I hope other people feel the same! Do let me know if you find anything interesting; I’ll add it to my post at the bottom if it’s worth noting.

Other People’s findings:
Scanning robots found on the map are also found in locations on Ayutthaya and Oasis University
Athena says Talon is operating in Ilios looking for treasure


Really hoping for a Greek hero!~

Faisal sounds more like malay or indonesian or middle east than greek.

But i wish it had nothing to do with talon and overwatch. There are so much more lore undiscovered. Meka. Los muertos. Shimada. Anubis. Orisa. Lucio. Symmetra.

I assumed Greek because of the way they are looking for Greek artifacts and statues. I find it odd they would do that and then go to Illios. Faisal could just be an architect but I am not sure if he would be the next hero.

It is very much possible though due to the letter someone received from Jeff way before Doomfist’s release that has him state several “black heores” are in the works and one is coming up (Doomfist) not sure if that would count as “black” but moreso dark skinned?

Either way, I would be excited nonetheless! I still think the Illios link is odd though, considering things have been going on there as of recent (Athena on the ship in illios explains talon was there trying to get something)

Well considering it is likely an archaeological organization, I assume the link with Talon is they want to preserve Ilios Ruins as it is, but Talon probably has other plans.

I have a post over this that has a bit more information, you can find it by clicking my profile (I can’t post links :sweat_smile:)

Oh, okay, that’s cool! Do you want me to add some of your info onto my post?

Go for it

Sorry was at work

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hamid sosunds like hammond

The logo looks a lot like a trowel with a W behind it. That makes sense for an archeological organization. I just assumed that Blaise was the name of the organization, but it could definitely be a person.

I also noticed a suit case next to one of the cots. It has Russia and Numbani as destinations. I don’t know if that means anything or not.

I noticed that suitcase too, it’s likely just a suitcase of a team member.

what if theres like an ancient artifact containing something similar to a Venom symbiote. Or like an ancient robot/villian, you know how cool that could be. It would be cliche as hell, but it would pretty interesting in terms of lore. But this next hero better have a marksman rifle like a mk14, ive wanted a hero with a marksman rifle for a while now.

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Recluse!! Though probably not, but wishful thinking as her concept art looks awesome.