[Help] Healing condition of "Player dealt/received healing"

I’m creating an additional ability to Mercy: if she’s healing someone - the healee get some buffs like invincibility etc.
But as I see, the event “Player dealt/received healing” works when the healee is injured, am I right? However I need to apply my additional buffs even if the target of healing has full HP.

Is there any way to realize my mechanic?
Thanks in advance~

Well, because of sidearms, either:
No pistol
No staff, but make artificial healing.
You can’t detect sidearms, so you will have to do something like this for now.

So you will have to detect who is being healed. You’ll have to find the max range, so you don’t do it the someone across the map, you’ll need los, and probably the person closest to your reticle. View angle is also temporarily important. I’d suggest the artificial beam, so less mistakes.


Hm… or… when Mercy is healing someone… she damages healee with 1 dmg and then heals him. :thinking:
Heheh, okay, I’ll try smth like this.

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What if they are at full hp already?

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I would set it up something like this:
let T = Healee
if(Is Firing Primary & Healee != T){Set Variable T(Healee)}
if(Is Firing Primary & Healee == T){Set Status(T, Invincible, 1 second), wait(1), Loop If Conditions are True}

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Then you would find your target using Player Closest To Reticle, make sure they’re in range and alive, and in view angle.

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k thx
I’ll try it and I’ll give away the code.

I actually have an answer for this:
There IS a difference in what ‘player dealt’ and ‘player received’ detects!
‘Player received’ only detects if they actually receive healing (i.e. their health is not already at full AND goes up)
‘Player dealt’, on the other hand, actually detects if a healer is actively APPLYING healing - (i.e. you are currently affected by lucio heal (applies indefinitely until 1 second after no longer within radius or los is lost), mercy’s healing beam is linked to someone, ana throws her biotic grenade at you, you are affected by brigitte inspire, baptiste has used regen burst near you, etc.

So, say you wanted (this is how i found this out btw) to make it so that during her ult, mercy gives anyone that she is actively healing and is at max health an overshield, use player dealt healing and it’ll detect that she is attempting to heal them even though they are at max health and bam, its that simple!

That doesn’t work.

Both events are pretty much identical, aside from Event Player being different. Both will only activate when someone’s health goes up.

Nope, as of the latest (or the one before) patch, it works like PixelBuster described.

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Different Topic, why do we pretty much approve PixelBuster nercoing year old topics ?


ohhhhhhh right, I completely forgot about that

Because obviously he has an answer to all of our questions we couldn’t solve years ago, because we were to stupid to do so :slight_smile:


The only exception with “Player dealt healing” event is Ana with her primary fire. That doesn’t register if the receiver (healee) is at full health already.

Yes because they changed it so that ana primary passes through players at full health.

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