Help figuring out a fault in my coding

Hello there. Im new to this and im wondering if someone could help me. When you first spawn, the first big question mark will appear as a quest marker of where to go. When you get there you are supposed to enter the yellow ring to activate the next step in the quest, and display an in world text on the wall, “alert dead” as well as the second question mark. But now when the player first spawns, the second question mark spawns after some time, same with the text. I wanna know whats causing this when the event player has not has not entered the ring. Thank you for any help provided.

Heres the code:

Add checking 'Has spawned'
rule("Quest A (Shop)")
		Ongoing - Each Player;
		Team 1;
		Slot 0;

		Distance Between(Event Player, Global Variable(A)) < 1;
		Has Spawned(Event Player) == True;

		Big Message(All Players(All Teams), String("{0}?", String("Hello", Null, Null, Null), Null, Null));
		Destroy In-World Text(Player Variable(Event Player, A));
		Wait(3, Ignore Condition);
		Create In-World Text(All Players(All Teams), String("{0} {1}", String("Alert", Null, Null, Null), String("Dead", Null, Null, Null),
			Null), Vector(4.183, 1.299, -8.923), 1, Clip Against Surfaces, Visible To Position and String, White, Default Visibility);
		Wait(4, Ignore Condition);
		Teleport(Players On Hero(Hero(Reaper), Team 2), Vector(0.996, 0.301, -45.369));
		Clear Status(Players On Hero(Hero(Reaper), Team 2), Rooted);
		Create In-World Text(All Players(All Teams), Icon String(Question Mark), Vector(0.975, 0.320, -44.696), 1.500, Do Not Clip,
			Visible To Position and String, Yellow, Default Visibility);