I’m a new Overwatch Fan and I can’t wait to get started on what I want to share.
Seems good. Hope you are having fun.
hello! this place sucks!
I’ll take what I can get.
We need more players, pls stay.
Well, where do I start?
Leave while you can.
Welcome, here’s some outdated guides that might help.
As well as
I’ve been on D.Va a lot. It’s displayed on my profile page. It’s currently set to private, I believe.
Welcome! Very interested to hear your take on things, especially if your first experience with OW is coming from the current beta
Start playing support, they are going to need more players.
“Hello, fellow players of [INSERT GAME HERE], I am new!”
Hey, welcome to the game! You sorta picked an interesting time to start because Overwatch 1 won’t be around much longer before Overwatch 2 takes it’s place haha
Did you buy the watchpoint pack or just the OW1 game is the real question
I only play the Switch version, so I think a lot of you would be able to figure out the rest from there.
My condolences. You already missed out on the days of OW being good.
Oh. Then you’ll only be able to play for 3 months.
Actually, I’ve been playing the game for almost 2 years. I bought it sometime near the end of the summer in 2020. A lot of things happened that year…
And yes, I did get the Watchpoint Pack, but…nothing happened.
I only discovered this place just a while ago.
Welcome new Hero!! The world always needs more heroes!
I’m very glad you dropped by to say hello here. This forum, though small, has a good bunch of people always willing to give good advice and information regarding this game we all love.
It isn’t a perfect game, but it is truly addicting and truly a masterpiece in its own right. This is one of the places where you can provide feedback- there are many places they look and many stats they also consult. The game is not perfect so all the feedback is necessary to help them make an informed decision. The game right now is fun for new peeps- and the future OW2 update looks very promising.
I look forward to seeing you grow as a player in all 3 roles. (Tank, Damage Dealer, Support). I look forward to seeing what you’ll end up “maining,” and above all I am excited for you since everything is still fresh (or semi fresh as you’ve been on and off again).
Do not let the toxic people put you down. Do not let anyone rain on your parade.
I suggest you browse the Blizz Tracker and Dev tracker tabs on these forums as well as the pinned posts to get an idea of important matters.
Be kind to the others though some might not be kind to you.
Now… go kick some butt out there!!!
Welcome, dont let this place get you down its full of negativity(i am not excluding myself here i been plenty negative about overwatch) but most of that is because the majority of us have been playing for like 5 years so we know the faults but enjoy the game because while it has its faults its still usually a lot of fun