Health bars disappears

When I play a healer, the health bars of alles will disappear when spawn room changes. I mostly notice it on koth maps, but sometimes also on other maps as well.

The health bars will brief ly show when hot bumy friendly Ana nade.


I am also having this issue quite often. I’ve noticed it on almost every map and the only way I can get them back is if I swap in spawn to a diff healer and then swap back. So its just a guess who needs healing game if I cant see the Low health indicator.

Same issue here, on control maps

!!BUMP!! DevCheck ?
Im having this issue too… its mad annoying. The healthbars are one of the more important parts to playing support lol. hope this is being checked on ty

+1, same issue here on console, xbox series x.

Same issue on PC here, control maps and swapping healers and back fixes but that of course eats up your ult.

Fixing it should be a priority, but I do not see anything that suggests the are even acknowledging this is happening.

I get it randomly as well. Very annoying. I can still tell who need healing because their outline changes colour. Still never 100% sure when everyone is at full health though. Restarting fixes it for me, but its a struggle for the rest of the match.

Same here. please dev’s help us

Same thing going on here as well. First noticed it in Season 2, but possible it was there beforehand. As a heal main, this makes it really difficult to have enjoyable, engaging sessions. This just happened to me on Oasis Gardens, carried over into Oasis University. I’ve seen other posts about this happening to them on Nepal, so maybe some relation there. Does not resolve itself when switching characters in the match that you loose the health bars in. Resolves if you switch character after entering the next match.

Just throwing my $0.02 in here. This has been happening since nearly the beginning of OW2. Every patch I hope that its resolved… every patch… still an issue. :frowning:

This is the sole reason I ceased playing at the start of this season. I logged in today to see if it was fixed and I am surprised it is still here. This is a critical issue that should have been fixed months ago. It is disturbing that such a good game, so well-designed overall, has such a significant flaw that is seemingly ignored.

It is absurd that I can only see the health bar of someone on my team when I am targeting the character.

Does anyone look at these threads?

Bill Warnecke
Josh Noh

This needs to have priority attention if the game has any concerns about healers and healing in this game.

Here we are in June and its STILL AN ISSUE

and it is still happening, the only workaround I have found is swapping heroes until you see the health bars again

I have this issue every match. Really difficult as a support player