Healing and Power Creep, how should we solve this? (DISCUSSION)

So something that is still currently a problem is Healing and Power (Damage) Creep, which we know is apparent across all three roles.

What I wanted to ask is how do we solve this issue?
Who are the main culprits of Healing and Power Creep?
Who should get nerfed and/or buffed?

Those are the main questions I want to ask, what do you think needs to be done?
What are you thoughts?

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I don’t understand where this “healing creep” idea comes from.

In 2016 Ana was able to heal 1k hp every grenade (Which at the time boosted all healing by 100%, and lasted 5 seconds) meaning she could have a boosted target up every 5 seconds

Moira’s healing numbers remained unchanged from August of 2018 until she became meta in August of 2019; an entire YEAR which she was one of the farthest from meta heroes

During Goats, we had some of the highest single target healing since Ana with Brigitte’s orginal repair pack’s burst (Which was nerfed with her soft-rework)

Meta healing has remained static since the end of Goats, with an overall downwards trend. Brigitte’s soft rework and Moira’s nerfs

The fact that Moira who was at the top for an entire year, was nerfed, and Baptiste is now the top and he was UNDER Moira, how could you ever come to the conclusion of healing creep?


I cant say much about healing since it has been nerfed more than buffed. If anything, I think healing needs buffs since less healing promotes power creep.

As for power creep? Theres very few heroes I’d even touch. At most, I’d say Hanzo 100%. Either give him a longer draw time on his bow, or revert his arrow speed back to its base value so it isn’t a pseudo hitscan.

McCree didn’t really need that RoF buff and I feel like that power could go back into something else like FtH.

Thats really all I can think of. Mei and Reaper are annoying, but balanced, and people usually tend to blur the line between those two concepts. I’d say the game needs a lot of buffs so heroes can individually perform again instead of relying on teammates to be 100% effective


I would like supports to be more utility based and less healing based
Like zenyatta ans lucio

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Considering that against the entire point of Mercy it probably wouldnt happen. But even after what the developers said, Mercy has become a utility bot that you only really run for damage boost and to pocket a hard carry dps so its likely thats the direction healers are going. Based on what the developers said, thats not what they wanted to happen with Mercy, they wanted her to be the “go to support for raw healing power” and thats the last reason to pick her. And I can almost guarantee they are not going to buff Mercy in any way anytime soon that would make her more healer oriented than utility.

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I think the main issue at hand here isn’t healing creep necessarily, it’s the viability of oneshots versus not-oneshots.

The simpler answer there is to nerf oneshot heroes.


Low investment 1 shots caused all our damage creep - they stayed the same, and all damage has had to catch up. 1 shots cant be healed through, so other kinds of damage has to be even higher so it’s competitiive.

We have high healing to counter high damage.

Nerf 1 shots, you can nerf everything else, but not before.


Healing? Nah, I don’t see any. I think Bap’s damage is overtuned, and that’s it really.

My problem is with CC and oneshot DPS. Specifically: McCree, Doomfist, Widow, Hanzo, Mei.

Doom, Cree and Mei should have their CC durations cut in half, or 3/4, so their kit can be used to counter ults/abilities exclusively. That’s it. It should NOT guarantee a skilless, unfair kill.

Hanzo and Widow meanwhile: Hanzo just needs a hardcore rework. He’s a sniper, mobile DPS, shield buster and scout all at once, with the best zoning ult in the game.

Widow just needs a health reduction. Nerfing her damage will just ruin the character, so allowing other characters (soldier, cree, ashe) to counter her rather than mirror matching, would be nice.


You cannot really solve what does not exist. After Hanzo nerfs, there is basically no damage creep.

As for healing creep? That issue is much more complicated, but I guess the devs already started with the Moira nerf. I am not sure it is as simple as reducing healing, though.

Rank dependant.

Junkrat and Reaper run rampant in lower ranks, as Reaper is the ultimate tank counter and Junkrat is just RNG.

I agree, but it depends where you look. Most people point to Moira orb being RNG, and Bap’s damage being higher than Soldier 76.

However, I have seen the occasional thread asking for discord orb to have a cooldown.

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I personally believe Rat is weaker with the smaller projectile despite the damage increase, but I suppose you are right. I guess my main point is that it is so negligible that the developers do not recognize that it exists which is fair enough.

Eh, they’re a lot less balanced than Hanzo or cree. A lot of DPS were buffed during goats meta to deal with absurd amounts of heal stacking and damage mitigation.

Now with nerfed versions of both of those we have overtuned damage heroes.

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Between these two specifics, yes. Reaper’s balanced because armour counters him again, but Mei? God no.

In the 1v1, sure. She ain’t too broken, because she can fall victim to one shots and range. But in a team fight, just holding left click to slow down a target is enough to set up for a team wipe. I’ve had this happen dozens of times too. Her kit itself isn’t what is considered “overpowered/broken,” it’s the slow/freeze effect.

I haven’t seen healing creep get out of hand. In fact, I’d say the devs have intentionally kept healing low so the games don’t get drawn out too long.

3-5 minute fights are rare. Most team fights last 2 minutes.

I’d love to see the power creep scaled back a little bit. Stuff dies way to fast rn

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I’d say nerf Reaper down to 30% lifesteal, and do these changes to Mei, then yeah, we good.

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Ana, Moira, & Mercy all heal less now than earlier in the game’s life-span (Ana had +100% healing effect for nade & 1 second longer duration for it, Moira had 80 hp/s, & Mercy had 60 hp/s). Baptiste has a steady 72 healing per second, but is more difficult to heal multiple targets than Moira. Brigitte, Zenyatta, & Lucio all heal less than the other healers. Healing has not had any wacky power increases over time.

Damage on the other hand, specifically because of GOATS, got many ridiculous buffs to the point that the tanks & supports in a 2-2-2 world revolve around the damage picks. Like Orisa + Sigma was meta right when 2-2-2 started and still is because Fortify is a percent damage reduction against the insane damage in the game, & Kinetic Grasp eats all damage like Matrix can, plus he also has a barrier to use & combo’s with Orisa very well.


Both of you guys need to understand that it when it came to healing power and output, each successive hero introduced that could heal, was healing more than the past hero up until Brigitte’s introduction. Moira was effectively the last one in terms of healing output.

Those numbers have since been curbed, while healing has trended upward (as has mitigation) Blizzard has been adjusting the numbers down and evening them out since then. Today, healing is stronger than it was at launch, but remains manageable and balanced.

Up until recently, the problem was compounded with mitigation (ie barriers, fortify effects) Blizzard has finally taken noticed and curbed that recently with adjustments towards barriers and readjusting armor values. Expect a few more changes here, but as far as power creep goes in a general sense, there is none.

This is the wrong answer.

Adjusting projectile speed would probably be the best option. Slower charging speed wouldn’t affect much and would largely be inperceptible to most.

This is not a powercreep.

This is, again, the wrong answer and misconstrues what’s been going on with Overwatch as a whole. Every new Support up until Brigitte, was healing more than the last leading to a very perceptible creep. Every new Tank introduced also saw a creep in terms of mitigation and negation of damage that bleed through other heroes (Orisa’s Fortify effects being adapted into Roadhog, Defense Matrix being adapted into Sigma, Barriers being introduced into Supports like Brigitte and defense heroes like Symmetra).

Those trends led to a demand for greater power over sustain. Because Blizzard continue to downward trend damage output, it led to other heroes capable of one-shot attacks being of greater demand and towards Tanks who couldn’t die to one-shots, this eventually led to GOATS. Where utility and mitigation were more valuable that damage output, since most Tanks couldn’t die to one-shot attacks, and utility was presented in addition to powerful healing outputs in Supports.

Sustained damage output - a bulk of what Damage Heroes are capable of - was rendered irrelevant, since they were suspectible to one-shot kills and because both the Support and Tank groups provided similar and competitive levels of sustain without the drawbacks of one-shot kills.

One-shot kills have always been in the game, but there was choice, because healing output, crowd control and mitigation were minimal leading to a good sense of balance, but it was obvious since the beginning that Tanks were favored greatly given all their major perks (easier to heal, barrier mitigation, etc.). Supports enabled Tanks to be more unbalanced that initially perceived and when new Supports were added with utility that enabled them (ie Ana and Nanoboost), it became easy to see where the trends were going as each new Tank and Support were added to the game.


Sounds like the op just wants to spread the idea that healing creep is as big as an issue as power creep which is not true.

Healing has been consistently nerfed since the earliest versions of the game.

Damage has been buffed and some have been overtuned to compensate for particular metas that aren’t even able to be played anymore.

That’s the problem.

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I feel that the three digit healthpools probably put some restraints on balance.

Welp, from what I can gather on this post and the entirety of the forums.
One side is saying Healing Creep isn’t an issue but Damage Creep is.
The other is saying Damage Creep isn’t an issue but Healing Creep is.

How about we nerf the whole lot, and I mean EVERY HERO!