many of yall complained about symmetra “”“losing”"" her identity as a support. but now , apparently, want to deform her into some sort of healer… when she never healed in the first place? with 3.0 the only main ability that was gone was the shieldgen, and the lock on. thats it. for a healer rework youre asking for a function that was NEVER in syms kit, then still cling to that argument?
2.y’all cry about 2.0 being gone and never being able to play sym again. and now want a healer sym ( so you can play her again i guess since you’ll just be a healbot around your team??? girl) but ALSO want the current sym to be deleted just to spit on the face of those who play her and adapted to her in the first place??
you literally complain 24/7 about how painful it was to lose your favorite hero then now want the EXACT thing on others, instead of making the two sides happy and getting a NEW hero with this kit. just out of spite?
why all the hypocrisy? you cried, moaned, raged, about old sym being gone then now want the same thing happen to others just because you’re so entitled?
Personally I’d like to see a 1-way healing teleport, along with a short-range shield generator. IMO that fits her identity (both current and old) very well, and also would fill a support slot.
I agree that healing turrets/beam would feel very odd.
ah don’t you just love it when the community attacks itself? people be claiming stuff that aren’t theirs, whatever happens, happens. I personally would enjoy a healer version of sym but if she remains the way she is that wouldn’t bother me either, your attacks simply prove how little you understand other sym players
Ah yes of course.
Her lock-on - gone
Her barrier piercing orbs - gone
Her Barrier on E - gone
Her Teleporter how it worked originally - gone
Her Shield Generator - gone
But sure, you clearly know a lot about her.
Maybe don’t generalize? Some Sym mains hate how she is at the moment and want another rework, which is fair enough. I enjoy current Sym and would prefer to not have another rework, but I understand where those people are coming from.
if people truly understood how each other felt they wouldnt ask for active deletion of a hero just because they dont like it
none of the points you put there hold their wright either. in a echo chamber, maybe, but the only thing that was truly gone from old symmetra was her support via shields, which is meant to “translate” with her current ult which shields everyone from fire during a fight.
old photon barrier was clunky and awkward for a team based ability. it was mostly a duel one since it couldnt even block half of the stuff her current ult does.
it funny tho! bc her first e was just plain boring, uninteractive. her second e was barely a support ability. enemies could dodge it easily, and it forced a straight, linear push. barely any protection.
piercing was removed in favor of making her orbs more offensive, though they are still slow. not sure why anyone misses this, since they fired very slowly and each 2 seconds.
teleporter is still miles better than the current one. this forum has a bias thats WAAAY too strong for 2.0, but realistically, 2.0 tp was terrible. the enemy could just camp it and kill everyone… and sym wouldve made their team lose the fight and her whole ult wouldve been worthless. let alone that for her to even put this tp up shed need to sacrifice a shield gen.
sg sucked, period. bad ability in current game, shouldve never come back unless you hate symmetra, or forgot people like hammond exist.
Yeah, you clearly have not played old Symmetra.
Her old barrier was a pretty good ability. Of course it doesn’t block as much as her current ULTIMATE version of it. But you could still block Shatters, D.Va bombs, Pharah Ults, McCree ults, force snipers to move, use it to push in.
I knew you would come back saying that most of her kit is still there, but no, if you change how everything about something work, it’s not there anymore, even if it’s still called the same.
That’s like making Genji wield his sword as primary and give him shurikens as ult. Nothing lost, everything still there.
I’m not even arguing that old Symmetra was an amazing character. But I have put tons of hours into old Sym and new Sym, played both a lot and like both.
But fact is, nothing about Syms predicament of being considered a troll pick changed, except she is in a different role now.
i would prefer that they give her a few buffs AND FIX HER DAMN BUGS
maybe they can make a vishkar shielding support for the people who want her reworked
3.0 > 2.0
Overwatch heroes > Symmetra
yall not looking at the real problem here which is that Symmy girl was, is underpowered compared to any other dps because OH MY UTILITY DPS OHHH.
Symmetra is NOT a HEALER is not even in her lore.
She PROTECT, she ATACK but most importantly her weapon is TRASH.
Yall keep enjoyng being hard poketed with that 25 shield, Mercy can notice u now before u die to hit scans and OH MY WE CAN DESTROY TELEPORTER WHEN WE DEAD? GAMEBRAKING SYM OP NERF.
I’d like to see links to some of these “hypocritic” posts. All I’m seeing are Sym players that want healer Sym. The “revert Sym” crowd are different to the “healer Sym” crowd.
ah yes lets rework sym into a healer because “sym bad because forums say sym bad so must be true” que the swagsymm symmetra OTP on NA ladder reaching top 10 and 4.5k this season. the hero is strong STOP suggesting some dumb reworks that nobody who actually plays the hero wants. all people want is quality of life changes (default ult rotation, TP placement to not cancel, etc. and maybe TP cd to start on placement) not this ugly support rework
idk man…from what I’ve seen it really sounds like they are the same crowd… esp when people make rework ideas promoting extremely passive and static “defensive” gameplay for their support reworks drawing high resemblance to old sym gameplay…
not to mention quite a lot of them accompanying their rework suggestions with statements like “I miss old sym”.
You don’t have to buy it. We are allowed to know our old emotional states, and I was never angry with each iteration. I actually liked each one better because Sym got far less useless with each iteration. Plus the original Sym was basically useless, even with teleporter on defense.