Heal your other support

Literally no one else is as important if everyones crit and your other support is crit heal them first.


The most annoying thing in the world as a flanker is diving one support, they get pocketed by the other support, and you keep them distracted for what feels like an hour until you either bail or die.

And in all that time

While the enemy has no healing

Your team gets

0 picks.


I love seeing matches where support don’t want to heal anyone, even each other…

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Can’t, I don’t play support and don’t want to play Soldier.

Although maybe I should start throwing ulting supports on Echo so I can heal them…


I apologize to the OP because I have nothing constructive to say about the topic itself but I had to write this post to say that I have never seen anything cuter than that little baby you just posted. It is so beautiful and I want it right now <3

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It can depend on what the other support is. For instance easy for say Ana or even Brig to heal their other support. Bit hard for Moria since the nerfs to her orbs. Seriously the healing orb travels so slow now… it helps with healing a target but bad for sending out to targets far away.

I will also say though if your in trouble and need healing… take cover. I can’t count the number of times I heal some one and they just keep face tanking dmg like I will pocket them forever. At some point you have to heal other people too.

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worse they somehow die to hanzo getting 2 picks then start flaming you for not helping them

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I mean… Yeah? I feel like most support players that actually know how to play the game already do this