Hazard may be strong, but he's bugged

Yes he’s strong. He could surely use some tuning, even from someone who loves playing him.

But can we talk about all the no reg damage bugs? Having your slash and spike guard not do any damage a good 30% of the time feels bad.

You sure? can’t do any solid impact with him, at least not compared to mindlessly holding M1+W as rein, which works in 9/10 situations with an Ana glued to your backside.

Guess you are one of those players that can’t even be carried by OP heroes.
55% win rate in all ranks and 56% win rate in masters+.

Guess someone is not reading news tab.

And you see, it states “unmirrored” so, if you don’t have a Hazard on your team you are more likely to lose … it’s like last years Mauga release.

That’s kind of compensated by the shotgun randomly doing 50000 damage

The real Hazard bug is him launching the wall at your feet and teleporting you through the floor into a death pit, or having it launch you at escape velocity. I’ve seen it happen way more times than acceptable

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That’s a bad compensation. Bug fix and tune, hard to get data when half his kit doesn’t do dmg