Hazard and his Crew

I just watched the Hazard trailer and it was pretty cool!

Im most excited about the other characters showed in the trailer. One looks like Sojourn but from a Cyberpunk sector of Australia. Then theres the female Omnic robot. Very curious. I really hope these characters will be playable in the future!

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i have mixed opinions on the new trailer.

i like the new hero physically, but i found too little space to decipher his character in the storyboard of the video. i suspect that we will soon see a comic to accompany this narrative, as happened with juno and venture. this video is really too preve and only describes an interaction that took place in oasis, not the story of the character.

what really bothered me is… that we didn’t understand anything about his action. it’s all a flash of fluorescent colors, that as “cool” as it is… you literally don’t understand anything about how he defeated his opponents or what he shot at them. is it almost a tribute to spiderman movies? i don’t know, but i didn’t like the excessive visual confusion.

i like the mixed animation technique (a little 3d and a little 2d). i like it more than what was done for juno, which was entirely 3d. here we can see a mix with the 2D of the origins stories, even if not always well animated (the human girl was too often strange in the proportions during the movements);

I expect many more details soon. so far I can say that the design is ok, but I don’t have enough elements to make an idea of ​​him on a good writing or not.

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i love how the lore keeps growing and growing and yet the plot dont moves and nothing ever will happen with this new faction, we will never know why hazard fights, his backstory, motivations, goals, he will never do anything and will never join overwatch and even if happens will be off screen on a blog post some years later