Having disconnections mid game? READ THIS

Three Southeast Asia submarine cables went offline around June 15, 2024 and I have not seen any updates about them being repaired. However, I do not live in that region, so news that I am able to find (in languages I can read/understand) may be delayed. The affected cables are:

  • Intra Asia (IA) connection to Singapore
  • Asia Pacific Gateway (APG)
  • Asia-Africa-Europe-1 (AAE-1)

If they are still down, traffic normally on those cables would be funneled into other routes and burden them with double/triple internet traffic load beyond the usual.

Love this whole example. :star:

This “workaround” is outdated and should be avoided. IPs are not static for the matches. You’d only be blocking the authentication server and possibly causing more penalties on the account for “failed to connect to server” as you try to join matches.