Having disconnections mid game? READ THIS

For the love of god

So unless I go full dna of everything you won’t believe it huh?

I didn’t even say we have better speed, I said the internet is better overall.
But you read it as I said speed, then went on to say I didn’t mean packet loss.

What’s next? Will we be saying the headers of indian packets have some curry in it? And therefore have issues?

No it’s not a packet loss issue, the game bas a built in graph to track packet loss issue, which I’ve already gone through with all the users I’ve tested.

You don’t want to agree cause I didn’t write it for you in crayons, and speak like you’ve been in the country to talk about it’s internet.

I literally work in a company that manage iT services, Including internet for 15 different countries, from servers to routers.

Everyone has issues here and there.
My diagnosis of the issue being from the Asia logon server is correct.

But you aren’t happy cause I didn’t use enough jargons for you in it to sound cool.


I don’t know but most of my matches have had a someone leave in the middle of the game, all the way up to them returning right near the end. Sure 1 or 2 people leaving due to connectivity is one thing, but all of those matches having the player say “sorry connection issues”…something sus be going on.

Maybe if so many people are raising the disconnection issue in the Asia/SEA region within the past week, it’s definitely not the end users’ problem right?

Personal experiences with friends
Match replay code: TTNGQN - 2 people disconnected at around 4:40 to 4:50 with no signs of lagging prior to disconnect

From forums

From reddit


Careful before you get called things like

  • You have no job
  • You didn’t mention any jargon so you don’t know anything about issues
  • It’s all the users at fault, for having different isps all having issues at once

People here really love conspiracy even when a breakdown is given to them.


I was playing with my son on the same internet connection and he got disconnected and I did not twice yesterday.

And one of those times the other random players in our game got team swapped. He got put into a game by himself. When the first game finished everyone got auto put into the game he was in which was halfway done. It was insane. Everyone was cracking up.

Here’s a legacy post about blocking off other regions’ servers:
Please check the replies for the new middle east server ranges

You should put these restrictions in immediately as it will block you from even connecting to the servers and prevents the initiation of the games entirely. It will guarantee you connect to only your own area’s server. No more 150ms neighbor region games or 280ms narnia games

Three Southeast Asia submarine cables went offline around June 15, 2024 and I have not seen any updates about them being repaired. However, I do not live in that region, so news that I am able to find (in languages I can read/understand) may be delayed. The affected cables are:

  • Intra Asia (IA) connection to Singapore
  • Asia Pacific Gateway (APG)
  • Asia-Africa-Europe-1 (AAE-1)

If they are still down, traffic normally on those cables would be funneled into other routes and burden them with double/triple internet traffic load beyond the usual.

Love this whole example. :star:

This “workaround” is outdated and should be avoided. IPs are not static for the matches. You’d only be blocking the authentication server and possibly causing more penalties on the account for “failed to connect to server” as you try to join matches.


Wdym outdated? It is still confirmed to be working. There’s just new IP ranges for certain areas. Also there is most likely a failsafe for never being able to connect to the server to begin with, since there are no penalties for this. Or at least so far there doesn’t seem to be a case for it and when it comes to first-hand experience I’ve personally never been penalized for failing to connect to a game through this. Which would make a lot of sense.

When the match is loading you can be disconnected and there is a penalty. In fact, it’s the penalty I see people mention the most in technical support — and some cases are due to blocking IPs.

Obviously you can do as you like on your own PC, but I’m against giving bad advice to the general public. Just use a VPN if you need a new route.

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Huh so I guess it’s just been a stroke of luck that none of the disconnects have resulted in penalties of any sorts for me or those I know that have done this. Good to know, but it does blow a bit that there isn’t a consistent work around to not go off servers and get massive pings

Hey man, I don’t know much about this undersea cable thing, so correct me if i’m wrong, if this is a public thing, other games running with the same network cables would have the same issues no? If its a private thing, wouldn’t blizzard be able to push for some updates? Again, not too sure on how this works so hopefully we can get some sort of info here.

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It’s very public, they are literally part of the internet backbone.

Depends on where those games are hosted. I don’t know which other gaming companies use Google hosting in Singapore for their datacenters. Though I would be interested to know.


I don’t think it’s an issue with the most common hop or anything in the middle because I was playing with my friend on the same Wi-Fi and only I was getting disconnected. If it was an issue with the node/hop, he would be disconnected too. If I’m wrong, please let me know.

Switching the region from Asia to Europe worked for me too, so I think it really might be an issue with the login server as Sawada mentioned:

But I have a question: Why is it only for some players? Shouldn’t this be a problem for all players selecting the Asia region?

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Literally had a game were it closed automatically and put us on a different map , is that still a submarine cable issue. if its a cable issue you wont at all have good matches.

i have plenty thats stable at 40 ms.

Region: Asia, Country: India

server: GMEC2 (IP address:

After changing region from Asia to Europe, for some matches it’s causing more latency (for first half of the match time) in the same servers I play on. Usually I get 70-80 ms, but after selecting Europe region, for more than half of the match time (or sometimes the whole match) I get 170 ms on the same sever (GMEC2). Then later, it becomes 70-80 ms again in the second half.
For some matches, I get connected to different servers like GSG1 with more latency.

I’ll try explain it in layman terms - imagine a busy major road, which has some breakdown, it didnt fully stop the road from being useable but it made the smooth travel traffic quite messy. Some roads that merge into this road are affected, some arent.

Some are affected due to the increased load on other side small roads.

This is basically whats happening - a huge network congestion, balancing and off loading.

So some are suffering, some arent.

Thank you for this solid information - these cables going down is even more unlikely than OW having issues, so i didnt dig deep into these but glad this post revealed the information, i’ll add it to the initial post.

This + the workaround i posted should be enough to explain and help users play in peace meanwhile.

That depends on the cable having the issue. :slight_smile:

Depends on your location itself as well in India.
I am not sure which server you usually connect (you should test that and figure that out too).

Selecting Europe region will help survive disconnection issues (if you are affected by those).

But figuring out how the server selector assigns you a server from GMEC to SGS is a little more complicated, it also weights in the players you are teamed up with in group among other factors.

So I guess in your case, there is a trade off.

With the more information the forum mod posted, i’ve now updated the initial thread with the information.

I get the overall example you made, just that the chances of those major lines going down was even lower than OW server having an issue. which is why I didnt consider them.

But ive updated the main thread post now.


Hi Nicole, any traceroute/pathping IP that we can use to check the condition on SG servers? Connection on Asia (SG) server feels like hell since this morning, disconnected twice, and now I can’t log in to the game at all (lost connection to game server) and when I want to check with traceroute/pathping, the support page that contains the guide & the IP list now unavailable :confused:

The IP is in the netgraph inside the game. Ctrl+Shift+N