Having a private profile should have you barred from playing Competitive

As the title states.

My Overwatch placement matches were absolutely unpardonable. Having private profiles has been a huge mistake to implement, because having access to a player’s stats should be a huge indicator as to where a players strengths and weaknesses lie. I have lost several matches because throwers have now resorted to using private profiles to justify staying on a hero. Every time I see a private profile right now, it’s a huge warning sign that I’m going to be babysitting the entire match.

Having a private profile is a huge problem in Competitive right now, because more often than not, the person is deliberately throwing the game. Even worse, you can’t tell what a person is strong at - you can only observe through gameplay how bad they are at a certain character.

I urge the Blizzard devs to make it so that you MUST have a public profile to play in Competitive. Right now, having a private profile is a massive inconvenience, since it more than likely means that you’re babysitting a thrower and carrying them.


Mine were fine. Know what the only constant in your placements were? You.

Maybe stop hyperventilating about profiles and play the game.


You didnt have a scape goat as to why you lost games… I’m in no way saying every loss was your fault or anything, but I’m just saying you must be a real treat to play with… I didn’t go what you think I should go… I’m the reason you lost every time… ok my dude.

You know what’s funny, yesterday I did an lfg with a 5 stack and we picked up one random as a dps player. He picked torb the whole game and was never in voice. You know what we did? We played the game, not let it bother us, and we won the game.

The guy later sent us a message saying he was lfging to purposely piss people off, but when we did nothing but play the game, he was amazed how we didnt care and didn’t rage.

My point… stop raging. Stop caring about people’s picks. Just pick around it and HAVE FUN WITH THE GAME A LITE BIT.

I feel like we’ve lost why we play the game…to have fun… to improve… we are not xQc or Sinatraa, we are regular every day players…


Having access to another player’s profile is CRUCIAL. Without the knowledge of a person’s winrate with a certain character, their kills per life, their weapon accuracy, and their playtime vs winrate, you have no idea how good a certain player is at, say, Hanzo or McCree. I usually have no qualms if a player is at a 50% winrate with a character, because it’s proven they can hold their own.


You’re probably sick of hearing this by now. Or maybe you just haven’t been told, but, you can talk to your team. Ask them what their best heroes are, and don’t immediately assume they’re throwing. If they’re just not landing shots or being countered or a hundred different reasons it doesn’t mean they’re throwing. Just because they pick an “off-meta” hero doesn’t mean they’re throwing. Sure, it’s a disadvantage not being able to see what your enemy is good at but everyone has that disadvantage now. If anything it’s advantageous to you because someone can whip out a hero the enemy isn’t expecting.


It’s not CRUCIAL. My profile is private and I’ve done better these last few days then a lot in the past. Stop worrying about others and worry about how you personally win the game. Forcing someone to pick something they dont want to pick is not how you win games… whether they have 1 hour or 500 hours.


Explain how that helps when you have a Widow who can’t hit the broad side of a barn. What prompted me to make this post was a disastrous Nepal match where an enemy team member left, and rejoined the match at a later round. A Widow on my team was the reason we lost - the only time he appeared on the killfeed was when he was getting killed, the rest of the team was carrying him, and he refused to change when asked politely, which then lead the rest of my teammates to demand he change because of his poor gameplay. His profile was private (surprise surprise) so there was no way to tell what he was actually good at, and to cap it all, he only agreed to changing off of Widow AFTER it was clear we were going to lose in overtime.

Captain edge lord.


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My point stands… I’ve had plenty of games where my widow wasnt doing very well. I may have asked them to swap heroes, but I didnt rage. That’s my first point.

Second point. If they dont want to swap…what do you do personally? It sounds like you call it a game and basically give up and rage and blame. Possibly not even try to help your widow at all because you fe like “they are throwing”

when this happens, u try to enable the team more. Maybe pocket the widow a little more,they might get a lucky shot or two. Maybe pocket our tank who is shredding super hard. It depends on the situation

But honestly, it sounds like you decided the game is over before…ya know, the game is actually over… just a thought

And you think public profiles will solve this behaviour? It won’t. People were like this before private profiles and having them forced public again won’t make them switch. If you really think they did something awful, report them and move on. Not every game is going to have them in it. You can even avoid them. Here’s an even better option: make a group in lfg and require public profiles. If you really want to police people’s hero picks and scour their stats there are people willing to let you do that, you just gotta look for them. But, I really think you should stop focusing so much on other people’s gameplay. Forcing others to improve or play what you want will get you nowhere. Do you want to rank up or do you want to coach a team? You should decide on which is more important to you and if it’s the former, your attention should be directed at your own gameplay.


Huh? Telling someone the truth isn’t being an edgelord. The only edgelord is you, with your unwitty replies.

I don’t see the correlation here, are you trying to say that with their profile public they would not have thrown the match ?

And … I don’t understand where you are going with this, what they are playing for this match and how they play in this match is all that should matter, what they have played in the past has no effect on this match at all.

Now are you really just upset because you can’t try to bully people into playing the heroes you want them to play instead of the ones they want to play ?


How about, no.
Furthermore it’s none of your business what someone elses stats are. You can only use them for one reason. Abuse.
Seeing what someone plays isn’t anything special. If you want a particular character now, you have to ask or play it your darn self.
The only option for you is to make an lfg and demand open profile of not join your group. Otherwise your stuck.
Get this in your head. No matter what mode, someone else’s stats are non of your freaking business.
Period. Get over it.


You’re like Ryan Reynolds in the movie “Waiting”.

You come by with your tuxedo doomfist icon, say something blunt, slightly rude, but maintain your composer under those huge, expensive shades.

Total edgelord.

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Not sure if this will help With your problem but add me and I will help you out with a consistent teammate Macaroni#11696 I play mostly 9-12pm EST

I think if people acted like adults blizzard wouldn’t have to implement these restrictions on its player base. The OP mentioned babysitting and I get it but think about how much of that the people at Blizzard have had to do. As far as I’m concerned its part of the solution to the toxicity issues that surround this game.

If private profiles bother you , go outside and play. The round thing on the ground is a ball. Go throw it at something child.


I cannot understand why you NEED to see a players stats. Chances are they are going to play what they want anyways and viewing their profile is just more fuel for you to get upset with them.

I doubt if they have a positive Widow win rate and stats you would ignore the bad game thet are having and probably would still bully the player in switching.


Exactly my point! Let say the person is a widow main with a 60 percent win rate. That’s a damn good win percentage.

Meaning this person wins games and tries, like 3 out of 5 games are wins. But this guy will just blame the widow because it’s one of the 2 out of 5 games he typically loses as widow. But this guy will just complain he went widow and not look at himself

My point is nothing matters. People want a scape goat, with or without a profile being visible. I know its not the whole community, but people seriously need to stop thinking 90 percent of the losses they accrue are not winnable. Even if it’s because of a crappy person not wanting to fully help the team, it’s still a winnable game. The community is full of people who give up far beyond when the game has been lost.

We used to call those people sore losers back in my day… .apparently its just normal now a days.

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you know another thing in all 10 of my placement games, 1 person on one team or the other playing an off meta hero on private profile, whether its hog ana, and 1 torb.
know the best part, they were also 0-10 in my placements from either team.

Better idea. Those who want people barred from playing competitive for USING A BLIZZARD FEATURE should be permabanned with no refund.