Hate messages and death threats from cheating

You’re pandering for forgiveness when you showed complete disregard for the legitimacy and health of the game. It doesn’t work like that.
It’s a two way street. Please go play something else.

Actually Jeff didn’t. This guys did it himself. He start the forum post by himself told every one he got banned and tried to accuse Overwatch team for wrongfully banning him. Jeff has every right to defend himself and his team.

He tried to defend himself with lies, and accuse the dev team of banning him for no reason, Jeff had every right to do what he did, if he didn’t want to be made a fool of, he shouldn’t have cheated and tried to deny it.

The user claimed to be falsely banned. I understand where you are coming from, but it is highly unprofessional to be the game developer and publicly declare them a cheater. Because on a public forum, that means every other user is now given the ability to spit on the banned user. That’s not our job. Why are all the other “I was falsely banned” threads simply locked? Why is this a special case where harassment was allowed? It was wrong and disgusting. The Overwatch Team should have privately contacted the user.

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Read my most recent post. Also, Overwatch has a shaky past of banning users for having other tabs open, even ones that don’t enhance performance in any way.

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It happens a lot (not just in Overwatch) where players get banned and try to deny it, and try and paint the development team a bad picture by lying, he got what he deserved, if he didn’t want to be made a fool, he should’ve directly contacted the development team instead going onto the forum (which btw, its against the rules to talk about bans on the OW forums), a lot of people on the post he made told him this, and told him it’s against the rules but he didn’t listen and was shamed for it, it was his fault he got shamed.

(Now the death threats, yeah, that’s uncalled for, but that’s just people being horrible for no reason, but i mean…they cheated, people hate cheaters, what else did he expect?)

I’m not denying that they cheated. They’re now openly admitting they did. I’m saying it was inappropriate of the game’s head designer to publicly shame them instead of closing the thread.


Again, Jeff was defending his team, the guy was literally accusing the dev team of banning him for no reason, he had it coming.

You can’t remove every " I was falsely banned" threads as soon as they start. And it shouldn’t because in a case if it’s actually true.

If they allow every cheater who got banned to spread misinformation and arouse people in the forum then it’s gonna effect badly for their reputation. They have to take action.

For what? This guy already set himself up in the forums.

Arguable, personally I disagree.

Could have private messaged. Getting thr playerbase involved was absolutely unnecessary and unprofessional. If he can’t handle criticism against his team alone, maybe game design isn’t for him. But who am I to judge?

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Getting the community involved wasn’t the way to do it though. All it did was get the user more harassment that they shouldn’t receive. This hasn’t happened before now, and I don’t know why it was allowed to happen.

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The guy was literally cheating…how can you defend him? Also if he was going to go onto the forums and complain and say how it’s unfair he was banned, going against the rules of the forums, why should Jeff care? The guy wasn’t “playing ball” so Jeff shouldn’t have to either.

It’s actually a mainstay staple in Jeff Kaplan’s repertoire where he may stick his foot in his mouth and have to give out limited Widow skins as an apology.

That’s a user of a video game being compared to a professional game leader. Maintaining composure should be be a priority. Publicly humiliating a user is not maintaining composure. I understand they hacked. I’m not defending them for cheating, make no mistake. I like fair games. I’m defending them because being attacked in public by a game developer only leads to bad things. Of course the players will side with Jeff. He’s the game designer. He should have closed the thread and privately messaged the user, like the other hackers.

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Attacked in public? Get out of here.

Shoulda thought about it.

Probably a bait post and I am 176 messages behind but… I can only assume it’s a bait post because how can you act surprised?

The forums are a public place. Anyone can post and interact with them.

You literally said he was attacked by Jeff. That is a gross exaggeration if not an outright lie.