Hate messages and death threats from cheating

I’d be more inclined to take them seriously if there was an actual apology as well as an attempt to serve their punishment, but here we are.

Exactly, the first step is to admit wrong doings.

If not, then they haven’t learned and they will continue to be hunted by these people across multiple accounts.

OWPD won’t ever stop lol.

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I wish i could post the joker saying " You get what u Frekin deserve " Pic.

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Be tricky to serve the punishment and return seeing as hacking bans are permanent.

I’m of the opinion that if the account you cheated on was banned, then that’s enough. Death threats and the like over a video game? Bonkers. Some people need reality checks.


Correct, they make the rules, rules which say that threads talking about punishments get locked. As I said, those standards and protocols are there for a reason. Is it their prerogative to ignore those rules? Within some limits, yes (there are legal confines that overarch what they can and can’t do, but a lot of that is fairly common sense stuff), but that doesn’t mean that they should or that it’s justified when they do.

So forum ban him for spamming? Again, there is a procedure here stated in the rules that Blizzard themselves wrote that, if followed, would’ve doled out just punishment without inviting a bunch of extra problems.

True, he could’ve. And, again, there were actions Blizzard (Jeff) could’ve taken to reduce that probability rather than increase it. Instead of just roasting the dude then leaving the thread open for people to go after him, he could’ve removed that image, locked the thread, and just ended with a comment saying, “We detected cheats on this account. Closing the thread since it violates CoC.” Case closed, appropriate punishment is doled out, everything’s fine.

Point is, Jeff had an opportunity to be a good steward of the community here. He wasn’t. Whatever this guy did wrong, and whatever consequences he’s now facing as a result of his actions, doesn’t change that Blizzard had an active part in fermenting the opportunity for what’s happening now, and I think just saying “well, you reap what you sow so you gotta deal with it” is being a little dismissive of the fact that it isn’t entirely because of his misdeeds that this is happening :man_shrugging: And I think that’s something worth talking about, because if Blizzard isn’t going to be consistent with their own rules and isn’t intent on being good stewards of the community (which, honestly, Jeff has had issues with before and got torched for it on one occasion), then… well, that’s a serious issue.

How is saying that someone deserve punishment equal to their offense “mindless forgiveness?” :roll_eyes: Here’s my compassion for people who play legit and have dealt with cheaters: I hope they get banned. That’s… really not forgiveness fam. That’s justice.

That’s the part where u lack compassion, because there clearly should be more, and he’s taking it.

DO NOTE: death threats are not part of the deserved portion.

the only problem with cheaters is OW is so cheap so when they get banned it’s barely anything from their wallets and they just buy a new account

And then when OW goes on sale even cheaper I assume they will buy multiple account.

I’m just glad that OW isn’t free on PC. (yes i know it isn’t free on console but you can make multiple FREE accounts with the same copy of the game on console)

At the expense of everyone around you. You made your bed, now lie in it.

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First thing is first.
Death threats are never okay, ever. Stop doing it, its never for a good reason.

Secondly, you cheated. End of story. People accusing you of cheating is what you brought upon yourself by broadcasting on the forums that you did in fact cheat.

You tried to lie and say you didnt to gain sympathy and were promptly called out for it. You’ve marked yourself as a liar on top of a cheater.


Just feaking type it in google. Every meaning you come across, whether it’s in the oxford dictionary, urban dictionary or even the bible (where the proverb originated), talks about how it essentially means ‘actions have consequences’. Nowhere is any mention given of whether the consequences are justified or not. :man_facepalming:

Makes sene, but tbf, when I typed my initial comment, I didn’t even know that it was the same person as from that other thread. I’m not going to change it now though, because that will only confuse other readers.

Pretty sure this is bait, guys.

I have not found ANYTHING pertaining to what this guy is talking about on those OW youtube channels.

Then OP should leave quietly

Yeah, that’s what I’m saying.

Like, death threats are stupid, but hostility from the community is completely fair. You aren’t supposed to be in it anymore!

So you cheated and now you are getting what you deserve. I feel no pity for you.

All I’m saying is if OP doesn’t want death threats then stay gone. The damage is done and everyone knows who they are. That’s on them for being stupid about their personal info when they are known cheater…then again if they were cheating they weren’t very bright in the first place.

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Jeff personally roasted him

If it’s the guy who Jeff banished to the shadow realm in that one forum thread, then he is right in that he’s been talked about. Youroverwatch covered it at one point. I’m sure Sty did too because - well, it’s Sty.

No one deserves death threats under any circumstance involving a video game. Being banned or whatever - yes, justified. But death threats over a video game is absolutely ridiculous. The people sending death threats should have the internet taken away from them.

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And why would it not be justified? All Jeff Kaplan did was say “we detected and reviewed multiple cheats on this account”. Little more than answering a question on the customer support forum.

And by the way, the mods did lock the thread some time after Jeff’s response. They graciously allowed him to continue posting afterward, giving him the opportunity to apologize or simply move on if he so chose. Then he made another thread to stir up the hornet’s nest.

Problems that affect nobody except the cheater. Problems that the cheater continues to bring down upon themselves, despite numerous warnings. The developers and players had already both made it absolutely clear that the cheater is not welcome in the community anymore, yet he returns, unrepentant, again and again.

He didn’t get the message when he was banned, he didn’t get the message when customer support told him they would be upholding the ban, he didn’t get the message when his fellow forumers told him the ban was justified, he didn’t get the message when Jeff told him that the ban was justified, and he’s still not getting the message now.

He’s escalated the issue again and again, stubbornly refusing to back down. The community’s response has simply escalated in turn as a result of his stubborn denial.