Has this game devolved into McCree v McCree?


Dps hero having the third highest pickrate and being picked more than any support.

Totally normal

Clearly it’s just our imagination :roll_eyes:

I’ve always said that Junk is fine :man_shrugging: Not sure what your point is?


His actual stats (in-game output) aren’t out of line. So his pick-rate isn’t a problem unless you just plain don’t want to see him. Which is a valid reason to not like McCree, but not a great reason to nerf him.

Ask the posters that claim that McCree hard-counters heroes like Rat. McCree players in GM can aim and position, yet Junkrat is doing okay. That doesn’t sound like he’s suppressing the rest of the cast. But it does seem like there is a LOT of conjecture about what McCree does to the game, and very few facts to back up the conjecture.

Edit: You could have said hello back you know…

Stats dont tell the story on value. For example, you cant measure peeling with stats.

I’m fine with seeing Mccree. It’s just denying reality to act like everyone isn’t playing him because they think he’s the best pick in almost every situation.

He does counter Junk. Junk is himself fine in high ranks and his power on maps such as Anubis helps his viability and pickrate. It’s also worth pointing out that Junks pickrate is currently inflated by an unusual spike at the start of the month.


Once that falls off the monthly data he’ll be back to around a 1% pickrate. That doesn’t mean that he needs buffs though. His power is fine where it is.

He does suppress a lot of the cast though. He’s always been an extremely common counterpick for a lot of the dps roster. Him having such an enormous pickrate does drastically decrease the viability of a lot of heroes and yes, I do include Junk in that although nowhere near as severely as some other heroes.

Hey Ryom.

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The better question is why do players feel like nobody else has a favorable match-up spread? Is McCree too strong, or are the other heroes too weak?

Shields being nuked has had massive consequences. The hitscan fiesta starting immediately after those nerfs wasn’t coincidence. It’s partly what pushed Ashe and then Mccree so far over the edge from fine into being overpowered.

Shield nerfs were enormous hitscan buffs. Dps heroes aren’t balanced in a vacuum and sadly it looks like Blizzard forgotten that.

It’s not one or the other. We can buff other heroes to compete with Mccree for sure. It just makes more sense to nerf him because it’s less likely to have unintended consequences compared to buffing the majority of the dps roster at the same time.

Hitscan power has generally dropped outside of the fall-off buff (so that they could contest Widow better, so that was a hidden Widow nerf). Soldier went 20->19 damage, FTH isn’t full-damage and it’d take massive nerfs to actually move the needle on its overall output.

Ashe was nerfed, Widow was nerfed.

In a vacuum, yes.

Dont underestimate how massive shields now having decreased uptime is for consistency for hitscans. Compared to that, the nerfs hitscans received were relatively minor and it’s shown in the coming up to 1+ year of hitscan dominance.

Shields were nerfed because of the crazy sustain of Orisa/Sigma rotating both their defensive cool-downs and shields. They could simply keep sustaining themselves indefinitely with strong main heals… and it got even worse when you threw heroes like Mei (wall) and Sym (Shield wall ult) into the mix that only made that even more crazy difficult to push into.

Dive wasn’t viable, and is horrendous for supports to play into, who are the second queue bottleneck after tanks. So that was a nightmare for everyone with no great options to combat it.

So Orisa/Sigma got nerfed into the ground and are a shadow of themselves because of the terrifying synergy they can have. Now we have Rein/Zarya as the best tank synergy again, which people also complain about.

Sounds like a single tank for OW2 is necessary after all.

I know but that’s not the point. Shields getting out of control with double shield doesn’t change that by nuking shields so much the end result has been it being far too consistent for ranged hitscans to get value compared to most of the dps roster.

Like you said, the solution could be to buff everything else. I just think it’s easier to nerf as it involves less heroes.

Honestly I think the problem will be much worse for everything except snipers/Tracer/Genji/some other ranged hitscans too. It’s the shield nerfs but even more so. The entire thing is a colossal buff to consistent ranged hitscans/snipers from no shields and dive heroes from no peel.

Honestly, the game would have been better off with never expanding the hero roster, and focusing on new maps and game modes instead. CC and tank synergies became oppressive with the add-on heroes. The game also becomes more difficult to balance as roles expand.


I just don’t likw when it even affects lower ranks. Played 7 games today and it was only cree in 6 of them lol

but how come does he have a worse winrate than the heroes with higher or similar pickrates, and nobody bats an eye about those???

like rein zarya lucio baptiste ana have all similar pickrates, but they average winrates above 54% while mcree has a 52%…

what’s the paradox? is mcree the problem? cause it does seem like that the pick is forced, but it’s not game changing factor in the equation, what’s the actual problem that forces the mcree pick? is it that we are still in a burst damage meta and mcree has an higher health pool and decent burst at short-mid-range?

should we change mcree or fix the game?

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It’s always going to be one hero vs. that same hero when there is a meta.

There are twice as many dps heroes as supports or tanks so the pickrate should never be comparable

Read the winrate section.

Summary: As a common counterpick to such a large number of heroes Mccrees low winrate is to be expected regardless of how strong he is.

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I’m just annoyed a big part of his kit is a one shot for most heroes right now, even tanks just die instantly… YES even ulting monkey dies instantly…

All i’ve seen is mccrees actually abusing this and just going for cheeky stuns into an easy kill, it’s cringe and unbalanced.

a 10% pickrate means 1 of the teams always has one and the other team gets one or had 1 at same point over more than 4 characters to pick from?

I don’t think so…

Who has the better McCree Simulator 2021

I think you mean smurf v smurf