Has there ever been a community-created post that was pinned?

I have been here for a bit now, and I haven’t ever hear of a post that wasn’t blizzard or WyomingMist pinned (Granted that WyomingMist is technically part of the community, but I really don’t think he counts)

So has there been a post that was non-tech support or blizzard that was pinned?
(Even if it was on the old forums)

I’m pretty sure the HTML tutorial was community made


When was that up? Also, I’ve never been able to find a an HTML code post, let alone one that was community made…

The only one I ever found was on the EU forums and it was made by tech support

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Idk why they unpinned it, it was really helpful


The Overmoji cafe was pinned for some time too iirc

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What dose that stand for??

“if I recall correctly”

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I sorta count. However its really no secret that I have direct communication with the community team but I only use that privilage very carefully to help the community with Overwatch in its current state. But as a friendly reminder, I do NOT work for Blizzard Entertainment. I always post my own feelings about hero balance, state of the game, etc here on the forums. I am a member of the community just like all of you.

The pin expired. Same with the OverEmoji cafe thread.

I have to request to renew pins when I think they are about to expire with Community Manager Josh Nash.

I also want to point something out, you don’t have to be a forum MVP to help support our community. If you think you can create something for the forums that will greatly help out the community, I strongly encourage you to do it. If you need a more comprehensive guide to forum Syntax and features, check out my guide thread on the World of Warcraft forums. If I see a really handy guide or forum article intended to help our community, I will reach out to see to getting it pinned.