Asking for a friend. is probably the easiest girl to cosplay. She’s literally everywhere lol.
Easiest guy would probs be beween Reaper and soldier
Easiest - DVA
Hardest - I’d think rein. Big armor to replicate.
I don’t know about the easiest.
But I sure do know the hardest would be Zenyatta.
How would you be able to float like Zenyatta does?
Just become a monk or get some hoverboard tech installed in your gluteals.
Back to the Future already failed to predict the future though.
Hardest being most time consuming? Probably attempting an Orisa costume.
Easiest? Baby Dva or McCree.
Junkrat. You’d have to be REALLY dedicated to cosplay to take off your own leg.
Unless you already are missing one, in which case, Orisa.
Easiest- Dva
Hardest- Winston
Dude, I can’t tell you how many times I have seen a Dva “cosplay” that was simply the painted on pink triangle face marks.
They’re everywhere. It’s so easy it’s shameful.
Only cosplays I commend are the ones that manage to also bring a Meka
I love that guy.
omg that is epic lol